A Therapeutic Ending

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  At Tony's home now, the brute lead Ashley over to his decrepit brown and lighter striped sofa. Gently helping her up on the old cushion and sitting in front of her right after. Her bloodied head hung low in shame, making her ears hide her face; but from her sniffling and trembling it was pretty clear that she was quite upset. So without any words Tony would begin to lick the blood from her messy fur

she leaned onto his chest, tightly hugging him and softly crying into his shirt while he just continued to gently groom her.
"I-i'm so sorry" she stammered out, sniffling "I didn't know she'd come an'-.....i'm so sorry" her voice shrilled and cracked at the end as she choked out a sob.
"No, no s'alright. Like y'said, y'didn't know" he reassuringly said, gently holding the sides of her face with his big paws and making her look up at him. Seeing that her face was all scrunched up and running with mascara and tears while snot had dripped off her nose. She still had a few bloodied wounds on her face as well, but the bleeding had thankfully stopped.

"Don'go blamin' y'self f'somethin' y'can't control..." he gingerly wiped tears from her eye and licked at one of the wounds on her face, letting go of one side to only cup the other loosely while she'd sniffle and hiccup. "But she still ruined everythin' Tony......" she lowered her head a bit and softly cried "why can't she jus'leave me alone...? Why does she always gotta remind me.....?" her voice became quieter and more defeated with each word she spoke. Shutting her eyes and letting her tears roll out as she'd sniffle and hug him tighter, her smeared lips wobbling.

"Well..." he began, his voice quiet and filled with sorrow as his heart ached for her "some animals jus'wanna see d'world burn I guess. An' 'dats 'er own prawblem t'deal wif..." he said, hoping it'd give her some sort of solace "I'd say 'ta jus'ignore 'er. S'pretty cleah 'dat d'only thing she wants is attention" he added, glaring off to the side with fury burning in his eyes.
Ashley slowly sighed, her bloodshot eyes opening back up and staring up at Tony heavily with defeat "'dats what I've been tryin'...." she sniffled "f'awll my family really"
Tony nodded in understanding. "Well, I'd say it's workin' pretty well....s'really jus' Whitney 'dat comes around sometimes" he gruffly replied "but hey at least she's easy 'ta deal wif' I guess" he added, trying to playfully shrug it off.
But Ashley didn't really seem to have a reaction to it as she'd stare at him with pain in her eyes ".....do I really pass 'dat badly?" she tiredly asked. Making Tony's eyes widen in shock

"what?? No, of cowarse y'don'. Ur'a beautiful dame 'ta me..." he quickly reassured her without a shred of doubt in his voice, moving his paw to under her ear and staring into her eyes.
"I know- but she literally jus'cawlled me by my deadname, like, as soon as she saw me." She elaborated, her voice beginning to thin out and squeak as tears drowned her eyes and her emotions choked her.
"S'like she didn't even see how much I changed" she dug her claws into his shirt and sobbed into his rough paw, prompting him to hug her back tightly. Closing his eyes and wrapping his tattooed tail around himself the most it could. Letting her cry and get all her pain out while he grew to hate her family even more. Wishing that she had a better support system in her life

"well...I've seen how much y'changed" he softly began "an' so 'ave a lotta otha animals...animals 'dat actually cahe about'cha. Dat's d'difference between us an' 'er" he paused, gently rubbing her back. "An' I know s'a lot easiah t'notice d'bad stuff den d'good...but y'gotta remembah 'dat she's known ya awll 'er life. So of cowarse she'd be an' asshole an' use y'old name against ya 'cause she knows it'll get undah y'skin." He explained, bitterness and spite creeping up into his raspy voice as he recalled that rag-stain of an animal. "But y'brave f'dealin' wif'er Ash. Y'really awre" he said, letting her go and cupping the side of her face with a smile on his big snout. "I don'think anyone would 'ave d'guts 'ta beat up deir disowned family in'a high-end restaurant" he softly chuckled. Making her crack a little smile as she'd look much more relaxed from hearing his reassurance
"yeah..." she quietly replied "y'right" she widely smiled. Making him smile even more in return
"thank you" she added with relief in her voice. Greatful that he was there to talk to her

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