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Give two facts about yourself

A: Ummm, I like to bake and sing :)

Do you like someone?

A: Uh yeah i do :) Fictional Crush is Peter Parker (Tom Holland version) Irl crush idk, probably not

Do they like you back

A: I would hope Peter does lol but uh no i mean i don't really like someone we just friends :).

Do you play an instrument?
A: Yup, i've been playing piano practically my whole life but i got lessons a year ago but i think im at like a 7th or 8th year level... (Im so smart and special i know lol jkjk)

What's your nickname?

A: I get called a couple things, Nyxie, Nyx, Barkley, Willow, Ribbon, or Yellow

What do you hate about a person

A: Ooh ok, i hate when someone assumes something without knowledge about someone or hurts someone in some way. 

Current Lockscreen and home screen?

Current Lockscreen and home screen?

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Favorite part about yourself?

A: Uhmmm probably my hair or my eyes

How many languages do you speak

A:One and a half. I speak english and i know some Spanish, im fluent in a translating app though

Show you face?

A: No, here's Kermit instead

A: No, here's Kermit instead

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(No offense if i missed you or something I love you all but i just typed everyone i know/kinda know again no hard feelings<3)

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