Chapter 2

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Shoto was never a vampire.

He was a dhampir.

A created creature from the breed of a mortal and vampire. For being such, he was born unique. Able to live like a normal human being during the day and a vampire at night. He was gifted to survive with both human food and blood consumption. Such a hybrid creature made himself almost invisible to any threat, including his father. His father was so obsessed with creating Shoto. Even though Dhampirs were extremely rare and cost his older siblings' lives, that had never stopped his father. Until Shoto was born, alive and healthy. Having heartbeat, skin rosy and warm like one ordinary human being would. With the vampire's abilities manifested once his age turned four, his father find out Shoto had really turned out to be what he wanted all along. The desire to keep the fame of The Todorokis.

Funny how his only pride ended up leaving him.

Truth to be told, Shoto didn't know much about himself. Countless training had been done by him and his father. He was proven to have weaknesses against vervain, fire, and silver. Not to garlic since it's a human food ingredient. Thus, Shoto could eat it safely. He could see his own reflection as well. What Shoto didn't know was about his immortality. Would he age like an ordinary vampire or his life was short like a human's?

Perhaps, he could prove to his father all of his stupid experiments on him were useless.

Would traveling through villagers, and doing his research through their books help? Therefore, Shoto does so. Flying through the starry night in his little bat form. Getting as far as he could from the original home. He had no one to worry about, after all. The only family he had was his scum of a father, which he didn't mind a single bit to leave. He has not yet suffered through the loneliness a lone vampire would face since he was still young. A teen, to be exact. Regardless, through his days of journey, he does hope he could make at least a single friend.

Wishing to meet such a vulnerable werewolf was the least he wanted.

Such a small helpless figure, trembling violently from the cold of the night and fear. Wrists and legs were chained as if he was no living creature. Are humans ignorant about how beasts like them, also have their own emotions and yearn? The worst that you could steal from a man is their freedom. Why are they blind to not seeing that on such creatures, that spend their life on their heavenly privilege?

Slender hands grasped onto the metal rod and Shoto took a small inhale. He haven't drunk blood for quite a while, only consumed human food so his super strength was limited to almost a human's. But still stronger than an ordinary human's. He used his might to bend the cage open, and that made the werewolf pup flinched, teeth gritted and emitting a low growl for intimidate intention. Once it was wide enough, he slowly and calmly reached to take a hold of the chains locking Katsuki. The werewolf found it as a threat and clawed through the flesh of the dhampir's hand. Shoto doesn't seem to mind, as if he was immune to the pain; nonchalantly getting rid of any metal clinging to Katsuki's skin.

Meanwhile, Katsuki, had his dark pupils widened with the sight of blood oozing out from Shoto's skin. Impossible, he was sure this man was engulfed with a vampire's scent. Nonetheless, vampires would never bleed. Was his nose playing a trick on him? Correct, must be because of his injury. The bruise and the blood clogged his nose and disrupted his smelling ability-

"Curious?" Shoto's inquiry broke the silence. A few steps backward were made to give the werewolf some space, but Katsuki's eyes stayed on Shoto's nonstopping bleeding hand. Katsuki made careful steps out of the cage. His legs and hands were aching in stinging, burning pain, but he still refused to show.

"If you're a should patch that. Humans shouldn't be an idiot to not know, they might get an infection," Katsuki spoke, throat sore and raspy.

'If he thinks I'm a human, he wouldn't mind me aiding him. He would be less afraid and maybe, trust me more. Even though it doesn't feel right to lie regardless,' Shoto's heart voiced out deep inside himself.

"What else would you think I am? I know you're cold. I'll warm you up," Shoto offered his arms by opening them wide. The pup seemed hesitant, brows furrowing in pride to not accept such pathetic act from especially, humans. A strong one too. It wasn't impossible for him to be a Hunter like those were but why a Hunter would kill their comrades and attempt to rescue him? He couldn't think so far, he was just a kid. A pup to be exact. What mattered to him was his starving belly, his ice coldness, and his exhaustion. What will happen next, he doesn't care anymore.

He could simply wish this man have mercy towards him. By that time, he found his pride wasn't worth protecting. He wanted a break. He wished to sleep peacefully for that night.

The pup came towards Shoto, burying his face into the taller man's chest and ears relaxed instantly. So warm, and the eased heartbeat made him aware of how secure he actually was now. It reminded him that such a hell, such chaos has never happened in the first place. If only this was truly his mother scent if only this was truly his father's scent. If only, they were still alive and awaiting his return. They would be greeting him with their lovely grin, his mother would have ruffled his hair and asked how much he had hunted, his father would ask what kind of game he played with the other pups.

Imagining such a scene made the pup's eyes glassy and began to sob into the dhampir's chest. Softly blinks, Shoto traced his fingers along with the fluffy hair, gently cradling the pup to ease him down. A pup shouldn't be regretting his misbehavior, shouldn't be learning to appreciate every single time spent with his family. It was not the time yet. It was normal for children his age to be mischievous yet he regretted every single second of not hugging his parents. Shoto could not help but evoke the memory of his childhood. No one to comfort, no one to cheer him up. This little pup has Shoto for now. Right there and then, Shoto promised himself to keep him happy.

Shoto wondered if this could be the sign. That he wouldn't end up lonely as those vampires inside storybooks. And this little pup could feel the void he had in his heart. If he couldn't receive affection, he wanted to be the one who gives them. He wouldn't want anyone, especially with such a tragedy that happened to them- like Katsuki, to have the second of misfortune.

"It's all safe now, little one,"

Under The Fireflies and Luna [Katsuki Bakugo x Shoto Todoroki]Where stories live. Discover now