Chapter 4

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"Gosh, that's terrifying!"

"It wasn't! That vampire saved my life,"

A girl exclaimed, pouting from having his saviour accused. That night when she was all alone and was about to get robbed, a cloaked man suddenly appeared and punched that man. The strength was unbelievable.

"Was it really a vampire? I think you read too many books,"

"That man transformed into a bat right in front of my eyes. I'm absolutely sure," She spoke clearly. The chattering continues throughout the small village. And at last, rather than believe in it as a good vampire everyone speculated the being was harmful. Said the vampire was here regardless and soon will attack a human for blood.

Even though it was Shoto all along.

And here he has Katsuki observing around, concentrating on any presence or smell of a vampire. Shoto had one of his hands carrying a basket of groceries. The little pup stayed in front of him and growled like an angry dog from time to time. And occasionally been reminded by Shoto to not do that too. Shoto has his own guard wolf now.

"You keep going out at night all alone. Vampires are most active at night- it's dangerous!" Katsuki chided and Shoto simply tilted his head. "Do you believe that rumour?"

"Well, rumours ain't magically appearing unless that shit happened!"

"Some aren't true, you know," Shoto hummed and reached for Katsuki's hand to hold. "Even if it's true. I'm the one who's supposed to take care of you," Shoto said and Katsuki could feel his heart beating fast. He didn't know why it keeps beating so fast lately. Was he dying? Or getting some weird disease? He felt alright, however.

"I'm the alpha here," Katsuki pouted with arms crossed, huffing. Such a sight looked adorable for Shoto that the dhampir patted his head. Katsuki whined, prying the hands away and hissed.

"You smell different from the other humans," Katsuki mumbled, a small hand holding onto Shoto as they walked towards their small cabin. "And don't your illness have a cure? It's okay to be pale at night like this?"

"I wouldn't have to do difficult work at night, so no one really sees me," Shoto glanced at his own hand. His vampire ability was near zero now, since he haven't consumed blood at all. If he does, even an animal's blood, Katsuki might catch a sniff of it.

"You still woke up late to read some stupid books," Katsuki frowned. "If I find out your illness is deadly and you didn't tell me, I'll kill you," Katsuki threatened. Shoto simply tittered from that.

The night was rather an advantage for Shoto. He felt bad implying it was an illness. What else could you say when a human has normal skin during the day but seemed to be as pale as the dead at night?

"He was your brother right?" A kid out of the blue spoke to Katsuki. Katsuki promised himself that he would not talk with anyone. The kid seemed to be properly dressed too, maybe a noble? He shouldn't have been in this small village, to begin with.

"He has such a weird bi-coloured hair and a scar but you looked away different. Why don't you have ugly hair too?"

The ash-blond's brows furrowed. Teeth gritted and he almost emitted growls in his throat from annoyance.

"And what's with this collar anyway? Take it off- you are probably as ugly as him but ashamed to show, what a nasty brother," the brat continued to laugh and went to grab onto Katsuki's cloak. But before he could, Katsuki had gripped onto that wrist first. Their eyes blazed in anger as he glared murderously.

The kid gulped, and quickly pulled his hand back. "Y-You, you'll pay for trying to mess with me! Do you know who my father is?!" The kid exclaimed and ran away. Katsuki simply smirked in pride. Shoto came over and grew dumbfounded about the scene.

"Katsuki?" He called out.

The werewolf turned over and grinned. "Finished your work, halfie?" He asked and ran to hug Shoto's leg. The bi-coloured blinked by the random behaviour. Katsuki never hugged him like this before. 

"It's Shoto. Not halfie," Shoto corrected and the pup nuzzled his face into Shoto's leg. "Don't care. By the way, your scar is amazing. Don't listen to anyone who says otherwise, okay?!"

"Okay-?" The dhampir looked bewildered. Maybe leaving Katsuki to stay alone made him behave this way.


The sound of rustled papers was heard. Shoto flipped one page after another once he finished reading. Katsuki was supposed to sleep but instead, the little pup went in between Shoto and the table and climbed onto his lap.

"Oh, vampires again?" Katsuki asked out of curiosity. Shoto gave a small nod.

"Tch, what's so interesting about those pale, bloodsuckers? Hafta live with only blood- lame and disgusting," Katsuki made a cringed gesture.

"Well, their nature is fascinating. Some vampires use their attractive looks to charm their victims. Which what I read in this book," Shoto added and the little werewolf snorted.

"Charm- such a weakling! Just make some weird spell and they follow you, where's the challenge?!" Katsuki inquired eagerly. Vampires are such boring creatures, he thought. Just because they have a lot of strength and speed they are so cocky.

"That attractive part is a lie, though," Katsuki mumbled.

Shoto blinked. "What do you mean?"

"You're not a vampire but you still look okay," Katsuki murmured softly and quickly got off Shoto's lap before the dhampir could say anything.

"I'm sleeping now!" Katsuki said, covering himself with the blanket and patting the empty side next to him. "You should too,"

Shoto closed his books, getting on the bed as well and the little one perked up to Shoto. The dhampir chuckled, stroking Katsuki's hair gently. The ash-blond found it so pleasing. His parents were gentle and comforting in their way but Shoto- Katsuki felt something towards Shoto that was so much different from the simple, family devotion.

And with the fact a vampire roam free in this village didn't put Katsuki's heart at ease, at all. Their attractive look allure victims? That sounded so dangerous to be exact. What if Shoto fell for it? What if he couldn't defend himself? Of course, Shoto couldn't. Shoto was just a human. A very gentle human and Katsuki couldn't afford to see another person he treasure, being hurt.

"I'll certainly protect you, Shoto. I promise,"

Katsuki whispered out of blue. Such thoughts couldn't stop renting free within Katsuki's mind. He could help but fear for the worst every time.

Shoto gave an amused look. Katsuki just won't get tired of saying that, would he?

"I'll be waiting,"

Under The Fireflies and Luna [Katsuki Bakugo x Shoto Todoroki]Where stories live. Discover now