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Everyone has a fear no matter race, size,age or whatever you can imagine

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Everyone has a fear no matter race, size,age or whatever you can imagine.

People run away from their fears rather then face them.

I personally was quite lucky growing up i had a good family who taught me well and I received good GCSEs although , i grew up in Peckham the ghetto, a place where violence mostly occurred.

Yes, life was not perfect but enough to be decent until a particular event occurred in my life causing trauma.

After this event I felt this eternal sharp pang in my heart, my mouth stayed as dry as a desert as wouldn't eat or drink I felt like I was drowning in darkness.

When It happened I swore that I would grow up and hopefully receive a good job and move out of this shitty place.

Which I did but I always felt guilty for joining the police force as there is a lot of controversy about the police force targeting black people, obviously I would not run around in a police uniform because that would be fucking weird I worked behind the scenes solving cases.

what do you fear?

I repeatedly tap my pen against the table, full of papers and files.

"Keandra are you listening" Caroline purposely clears her throat to get my attention.

"Yeah of course" I say even though I wasn't paying much attention.

"Keandra you need to listen, this case is very important, considering the risk we're taking we're talking huge drug dealers, gangs who show no remorse to the innocent" Caroline says, at that moment I could feel everyone at that table staring at me.


"We're dealing with a numerous amount of criminals how will we be able to take on all of them" Nia questions Caroline .

"Yes, there's a large amount of them, but there's one specific criminal that has caught my eye, one second" Caroline scavenges through the pile of files and criminal profiles scattered across the table.

Caroline fishes out the file she was looking for "Jerome Clarke" she says as he holds up the

I examine his mugshot,he had a few tattoos on his neck, I'd figured he would have some on his chest and arms,he looked and like the type kill anyone that looked his way but behind those devilish eyes i could see a beautiful soul, hurt one too many times.

"During 2019, the young man was involved in an altercation with a rival gang and was arrested and charged with misdemeanor, he served 5 months and released on parole, though he was released on parole along the years he's proven himself to be a violent and cold hearted drug leader, we found him connected to numerous separate incidents of altercations and murders"

"We haven't been able to actually track him down along the years, but now we've gotten anonymous tip to where he could be, with that being said I want to play it safe so I'm giving Keandra the role of a undercover police officer under law enforcement"

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