A fan in the crowd

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So guys, I was really mean to some people on here
And I feel really bad about it
I kind of took there comments the wrong way and because I was so mean I'm dedicating this to them. The people are Hemmings_penguinn and @Tailiaa

I'm sorry babies. 💙💙💙
Imagine being in a crowd of people
Because you'd seen 5sos walking down the road
When the girls and guys began to mob the boys
You tried to get out of it but couldn't
Before you knew it you were on the ground being ran over. you creamed in pain and your hand was steppe on
When all of a sudden you were lifted off the pavement and into someone's arms

"Are you okay love??" You looked up to see Calum

"I uh yeah I'm fine" you said in shock

"Thank you"

"You're bleeding!!"

"I am?" I said all of a sudden felling weak

"I need to get you to a hospital"

And with that you were picked up bridal style and being rushed out of the crowd of people

That's the last thing you remember before blacking out

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