The basement

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Hello, dear readers! I obviously haven't been that active writing, but a part of me still doesn't want to leave this one undone. It's fun writing, and I've missed it. This story isn't really fully planned or anything, but to me, it had a funny enough concept, so I wanted to write it. I'll try posting more frequently. I hope you're doing okay! Don't forget to rate and comment if you liked the chapter! See you soon!<3

"Hikari seemed pleased", 3 petted his Iguana lovingly, looking like an evil genius with his white cat, except it was a disgusting looking lizard. Igarashi looked over at Blondy who looked repulsed by the animal. It was quite a funny sight. The young man pushed his ash coloured hair to the side and smirked. "Well done, Good guy", Blondy scoffed. Igarashi just crossed his arms in front of his chest and nodded. Wasn't sure how or if he was supposed to take the praise. "Did you drink a lot?" 3 casually asked. Blondy rolled his eyes, he never seemed shy of showing disapproval to his higher ups, Igarashi noted.

"We didn't stay for long", Blondy coldly answered. Which was true, they hadn't, few drinks and a make-out session, and it was all over. Seemed odd when Igarashi thought back about it.

"Will she be visiting?" 3 raised an eyebrow, seemingly humoured by the events evident by the love marks on Blondy's skin. Blondy grimaced in response.

"Not any time soon", 3 just laughed, well it was more like a childish snicker, but Igarashi wouldn't dare say that to him.

They were in one of khnm's hideouts, an old empty apartment complex. It had probably been left unfinished by the contractors during the 70s by the looks of it. Concrete floors and walls made homey and warm by the yellow lights and bright fabrics hanging around the place. Someone had cared about the place enough to decorate it. They mainly seem to hang around in the basement though. It was stuffy there, and the smell of incense was strong, obviously trying to cover up some other smells.

"Am I leaving or staying here?" Igarashi turned around to 3. His straightforward persona wasn't much of a persona anyways, so getting to the point was easy for him. 3 smiled, even though the raven had given him a deadpan look when asking.

"Up to you really", 3s smile scared him a bit. It was like telling him he was the one in control and that he wasn't scared, something like that. Maybe it wasn't that deep, but his intuition told him otherwise. "Not all the rooms are heated, but we share. Like to stay close here... we're..." he thought for a bit. "Family after all", the last part sent a shiver down Igarashi's spine, like it suddenly hit him how deep in this shithole he was. If they found out about him he was dead, more than dead...he didn't want to think about it.

"Understood. I'll get my things then, have them in my car", Igarashi thought back about the car he left by the petrol station.

"Don't worry about it, I've already sent people to pick it up. Your stuff's in room 7" 3 politely said. Igarashi tensed up. He thought about it, no he had nothing incriminating in his bag, he wouldn't have been that reckless. Still, 3 sending their people to get his things and probably snoop around made him anxious, he had to stay on his guard. He nodded in response, worried they would be able to hear something from his voice. It took a few seconds, but then Blondy snapped.

"What the hell?! That's my room, you twat!" he screamed at 3. Igarashi wasn't surprised by the reaction, he was getting used to Blondy's flip-floppy mood. He seemed to mainly switch between anger and cockiness though. A brat, but a useful ally nonetheless.

"Good kids learn to share", 3 grinned. Blondy grunted. 3 in response lifted a glass with liquor and dropped it on the floor, the glass didn't shatter, but the dark orange liquid spread out in a little pool by his feet. "Pick it up", 3 looked straight at Blondy, his patience with the blonde had seemingly run out. He no longer let the flashy guy react how he wanted. Blondy looked baffled and disrespected, which was a fair reaction. Igarashi didn't know the specifics of their relationship, but he observed, all he knew was that 3 was their boss. For a second it looked like Blondy had wavered, but then he kicked the glass, making it shatter in a loud noise against the wall, and rushed out from the room while cursing. 3 looked displeased, he sat still, leg crossed over the other, still petting his Iguana. Then he looked over at Igarashi. "Will you?"

Igarashi sighed, but grabbed a paper towel and started cleaning up.

"I knew I'd like you, Good guy" 3 started tapping on his chin in a thinking gesture. "You're the Good guy after all", he smiled. Igarashi winced, the way he said it made it sound like he knew. But there was no way he knew, right? If he knew, he'd already would've been dead. Unless he was toying with him, simply to spit the police force in their face. Igarashi clenched his jaw, he didn't respond. He picked up the mess and left for a smoke.

Blondy laid bare-chested, spreading out on a big mattress on the floor. Thin sheets were wrapped around his slender yet sculpted body. The bite and suck marks from Hikari were slowly getting darker. He seemed to be sleeping, his chest rose and fell slowly at a steady pace. Igarashi looked around the room. It was barely furnished, barely a room. Concrete walls and floor again, a loose hanging lamp attached by some metal wires on the ceiling, the mentioned mattress on the floor with the sleeping beauty and a simple desk with a chair against the corner. Well, not to forget the much-appreciated radiator radiating the much-needed heat.

In the other corner of the room was his bag, it was zipped up, but Igarashi wasn't naive enough to think that it meant that they hadn't checked it. He squatted down and opened it, in there he had his necessities. Everything he had needed when he was on the move now with his undercover gig. Money, fake ID, lighter and cigarettes, a few changes of clothes and... a lacy pair of purple panties? 

Where had they come from? He was honestly surprised, he couldn't think of a moment when someone would have had access to his bag when he was out working before. He pulled them up and inside the fabric label attached to them was a little handwritten note. "Have fun- 8" signed off with a heart. The handwriting was beautiful, he assumed it was written by a woman. If he hadn't been working undercover, causally interacting and working with criminals, he would've been charmed by her bold move, but now he was getting weary. Even if it could simply have been a sign of an admirer it was dangerous, it meant more eyes were watching him, more people could witness him slip up.

He had wanted to contact the police force and Nishina to update them, but he was in no situation to do so, it wasn't safe. Even less now that he was actively sharing a room with the enemy. Getting private time to reach them would be difficult.

Thinking of the enemy, Igarashi looked over at Blondy. They would have to share that mattress, wouldn't they? And Blondy didn't look like the guy who would enjoy that. Igarashi stripped down to his briefs and put a t-shirt on. He tried to reach around his neck to take the chain off, but he didn't manage to get the clasp undone, so he gave up and left it on. Blondy softly snored with his mouth open, looking like an attractive idiot. They weren't friends, Igarashi knew that, but he had the best shot of getting close to Blondy compared to 3 and the others he hadn't met. 

He walked over and gently kicked Blondy with his feet, trying to get the man to move over so that he could get some soft bedding himself. Blondy simply groaned in his sleep. Igarashi was tired, he couldn't bother with it. He pushed Blondy who slowly rolled over, and quickly laid down to claim his half of the mattress. Blondy, to no one's surprise, rolled back in protest, only to bump into Igarashi's chest with his head. Igarashi sighed, the guy was sleeping after all. The raven tried to push him away, but the blonde had wrapped around his body like it was his personal body pillow. It was warm like that, so Igarashi couldn't say it felt bad. The thought of snuggling up to a random man did hit him a few times though, but he shook it off. Too tired to care at that point. Blondy hugged him, their legs intertwined, his head was heavy against the raven's chest, but his hair was soft and gently tickled his skin when it moved. It wasn't that bad. Igarashi fell asleep shortly after thinking that.

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