Chapter 9

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Kate sat across the desk from Captain Gates. She had just informed her boss of the impending additions to their family. She wished her partner were in the room. His presence always seemed to make a difficult situation lighter. Of course a joke would probably fall on deaf ears right now so maybe it was better that he hadn't been permitted in. Even though the new Captain had lost the battle to have Richard Castle completely removed from her precinct, she had, from day one cut him out of any conversations held in the privacy of her office. When Kate asked to speak with the woman this morning he was again forced to stay away.

Kate just finished explaining the restrictions she and her doctor had decided on, and she watched for any signs of anger but was surprised to see the woman's face soften a bit. She wasn't sure if the change of demeanor was a female camaraderie thing or if her boss was just excited to know that soon Rick would no longer be a thorn in her side.

"I agree with your doctor, but will most likely put you on desk duty earlier than twenty-five weeks." The Captain held up a finger to halt the protests that were sure to come from the lead detective. "I know from personal experience that it quickly becomes a liability."

Kate knew what the it referred to.

"And I don't want you to have to learn that the hard way, like I did." The Captain said.

Kate had no idea what Captain Gates meant by that and it dawned on her that she actually knew nothing about her new boss. She quickly scanned the small office for evidence of a husband, a family or even a dog, but there was none. However Kate didn't have a chance to feel sorry for her because what the woman said next made her blood boil.

"In fact, I think it is about time Esposito got a chance to lead the team. As of today he calls the shots."

"But!" Kate was out of her seat before Captain Gates had even finished her sentence.

"Dismissed Detective!"

Kate stormed out of the office. She could feel three sets of eyes as they watched her head to the bathroom. She was furious, she hadn't expected to be demoted. She was pregnant not incompetent.

"Whoa? What was that about?" Esposito watched his boss storm out of the Captain's office. Neither of the men standing with him had a chance to guess before Captain Gates summoned him and his partner. "Good luck bro."

He gives Rick a friendly tap on the arm before obeying orders.

Rick stood outside the ladies room waiting for his partner to emerge. He knew she wasn't sick; the walls in the old building were thin enough that he would have heard evidence of that. Plus her morning sickness hadn't amounted to more than a little nausea here and there for the last few days, and as far as he could tell she hadn't experienced any this morning. She finally stepped out but didn't meet his gaze. He could tell she had been crying but not the weepy hormone kind of crying he had grown accustomed to. No, she was mad. On second thought, she was pissed. He knew better than to ask her what the Captain had said; she would tell him eventually. It was better to wait her out.

He followed her back to her desk but didn't automatically take a seat. He picked up her empty coffee cup and went to the break room to pour her some tea. He made sure to take his time. If she followed it would mean she was ready to talk. After a few minutes alone he took a deep breath and made his way back to the bullpen. Kate was rifling through paperwork. He could tell she wasn't really accomplishing anything. He sat the cup on her desk and took a seat in his chair. He watched her for a while. Her expression was stoic; whatever it was, she was working it around in her head. Eventually he turned to his phone. He played some games, checked his calendar and eventually texted Alexis to confirm their lunch plans.

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