Chapter Seven

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*3 month time skip*

Shoto Todoroki, Momo Yaoyorozu, and two other teenagers had gotten letters earlier that week saying that they would start at U.A without taking the written and practical exams like the rest of the aspiring students. Shoto was over the moon about it, but the same couldn't be said about his friend, Sora Miura.

"I know I said I was gonna be there for you, but trust me, everything'll be okay. You're great at meeting new people, Sora, you won't be alone. As for the exam, I wouldn't be allowed to help you out either way, so it doesn't make much of a difference, does it?" Shoto pleaded, trying to make the girl for which he was starting to catch feelings feel better about the situation.

"I know. I'm just being overly paranoid. I had found comfort in the idea that you'd be there taking the test with me... But it's okay. I'm really happy for you." She nodded. She didn't want him to feel badly simply for getting in on recommendations. Over the past three months, Sora had spent more time with Todoroki in his training room than anywhere else. Her physical strength had grown immensely and she had a fairly good idea of her combat tactics that work for her quirk. But one thing wasn't going to plan. Sora had told herself that she would accept the help from Shoto and that that would be all. No feelings, no emotional attachments. They were just two friends training together for a practical exam.

But here she was, sitting on her bedroom floor with the boy she had fallen head over heels for. He texted her earlier that day saying he had something to tell her so she invited him to her house, since they'd already spent too much time at his.

Well, 'fallen head over heels' is perhaps an overstatement. Sora sticks to her mindset that love is overrated and is simply a pretty little hoax that so many people seem to enjoy believing in. But she'd opened her mind to maybe being attracted to someone in a romantic way. Sora's isn't big on relationships, no matter what. But these days, she found herself imagining her and a certain heterochromatic boy doing cupplish things. She'd almost invited him to go skiing with her one day, but then Kaito began telling her how ski lodges are a hotspot for couples this time of year.

One night she had a strange dream that she and Shoto were actually dating, and then when she woke up, for a split second she thought Spruce was Shoto, laying beside her in bed! She used to kick herself for liking him romantically, but as the dreams became more common, and as the two teens grew closer and closer over the months, she sort of just accepted that she has a crush. She wasn't used to it, but she allowed it.

The entrance exam was tomorrow, and Sora thought that maybe she should take today off, to give her weary body a break from the three months of training that she'd done everyday with Shoto. So they sat at her house together, admiring each other in secret, though neither of them were trying too hard to keep it a secret.

The red and white haired boy had encouraged her, and given her small bits of last minute information, and given her the most comforting hug she'd ever gotten before he waved her goodbye on the bullet train that was headed to U.A High. Popping in her earbuds, she played some relaxing music. She sighed and strived to block out the world, and just spend some time in her own mind, but everything she looked at and thought of reminded her of the fact she was secretly going to U.A to take an entrance exam. She still hadn't told her parents about anything, for her mother's sickness was only getting worse, and she figured it'd be better if she just told them after she got her results back. Holy Shit. Wow, I'm really doing this. Sora prepared herself, standing in front of the vastly towering building that was U.A High. She watched kids her age walking in groups or in pairs towards the school, socializing and not seeming stressed at all. She took a huge breath and held it for a short minute, giving herself more time to prepare mind and harden her pounding heart. She sighed and gritted her teeth, beginning to confidently march towards the school, just like everyone else. But her boldness was torn into a million pieces when her shoelace came undone, which caused her to trip. Trying desperately to break her fall, she sprung her arms in front of her thinking she'd just land on them, but her systeme was unsuccessful when she felt the palms of her hands push onto something. It saved her fall, but caused someone else's. She looked down at the small delicate form of a girl on the ground.

"Oh my god! I am so sorry!" Sora thought it'd be embarassing to admit she'd tripped and accidentally pushed the girl. "I wasn't paying attention." She lied. The golden eyed girl offered her hand to help up the other female. She figured that this girl she'd just pushed could potentially be a future friend, so might as well try and get her to like her.

"I really am super sorry, it was totally my fault," Sora apologized again, trying to make a good impression. "My name is Sora Miura. You can call me Sora though!" She propounded kindly. The girl before her really was quite small. She was several inches shorter than Sora, and she had sort of faded light brown hair that was short and wavy. She had beautiful light blue eyes and her light skin was covered in cute little freckles. Sora found the girl quite pretty. The blue eyed girl smiled a small frog-like smile, seeming like she wasn't super interested in a conversation with the taller girl.

"Oh erm... Akari Koharu." The short, pretty girl responded. Sora was about to say how lovely the name was, but she was intrigued by a very tall and angry looking boy who approached the two girls and planted himself behind the light haired girl. He curled a brow at Sora, and she immediately knew this guy had an attitude, so she decided to show him she wasn't threatened by him. She squinted her eyes with demeanor at him, and directed her yellow orbs back to the short girl.  "Uh... Akari? Do you know him?" She asked, making sure he wasn't a stranger to both of them. He looked like he could pick up the smaller girl and chuck her off a cliff, which worried Sora. Akari turned around and her eyes landed on the indignant blond boy who towered over her.

"Yeah, this is Katsuki Bakugo. We came here together." She informed Sora. Knowing they were friends, the taller female smiled warmly at the boy.

"Oh, nice to meet you, Bakugo." She announced kindly. Katsuki Bakugo scoffed and grabbed Akari's wrist, dragging her away. Sora ignored the strange event, and focused herself on the exam that would be starting soon. She gathered with the large group of teens and listened as one of the teachers, Present Mic, listed the rules and regulations.

Big old gates slowly opened and it was like a stampede, watching all the kids run onto the field. The boy she'd met, Bakugo, was producing explosions from the palms of his hands, and certainly wasn't using them lightly. Sora watched as kids came from every given area of the field, using their incredible quirks to win themselves points. Sora decided she couldn't waste time, so she took in some hair, and held her breath while running towards the large robots that they were facing. She wasn't sure why she decided to slow down time at that moment, but she was sort of panicking and improvising.

She quickly learned that she would collect far more rescue points than villain points. For example, at one point she saw a pink skinned alien looking girl who was about to get stomped on by one of the huge robots, so Sora held her breath, and slipped under the machine's foot and snatched the girl up while everything was in slo-mo.

The whole thing was stressful, yes. And dangerous, of course. Not to mention the fact that Sora was carrying the weight of her guilt for not telling her parents. But by the time that the timer went off, Sora was very proud of how she'd done. She lost count of how many points she was collecting about halfway through, but felt as though she got a good amount. Of course, she didn't know how many points other people had, so perhaps she did really poorly in comparison. No, think positive. Pushing any negative thoughts from her mind, she boarded the bullet train again to ride home. Getting off the train, Sora saw a masculine figure standing on her porch. She saw it was just Shoto walking towards her

"Hey! How was it?" He asked her, walking down the couple of steps of the porch. He was coming towards her but she stepped backwards.

"Get away, I'm all sweaty!" She warned while laughing as the tall boy stopped in his tracks. But then he just chuckled and shook his head.

"I've seen you post-workout, Sora. But, as you wish." He replied with a grin, putting his hands up in surrender. However, Sora was too happy at that moment to see Shoto back away from her, so she ran up to him and hugged his much taller form. He wasn't expecting it, but leaned into the embrace happily.

"It went great." She whispered, her heart swelling up with love. 

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