The Moonlight Songstress

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On the outskirts of Canopy City, there sits a lovely little manor covered in thorny rose vines where the ravens cry in tune to the melodies of a piano followed by angelic harmonizing. This is the home of the beautiful songstress, Stella Luna. Well, at least she was beautiful, a long time ago.

You see, many years ago, Stella Luna was the most beautiful musician that ever lived, playing in front of live audiences from concert halls to grand galas. Every man who gazed upon her and heard her voice felt their hearts a-flutter. Yes, Stella Luna was more than just an angel put on Earth. She was a goddess.

But then, the hands of time dealt a cruel hand.

Age plagued her face until she was no longer beautiful. It got so bad to the point that she had to wear a veil so she could avoid gazing upon her wrinkly face.

Then, one day, a strange man wearing a black clock and a bird's mask offered her the answer to all of her problems.

"I have a gift for you. One that will remind you of your former beauty."

A week later, the gift came in the form of an antique grandfather clock. When Stella gazed upon it, it reminded her of the one that dear old daddy won at an auction. It always rang every three hours for some strange reason. The only thing that Stella noticed is that after a while her father was looking much younger than what he should've been. And...he stayed that way.

After keeping the grandfather clock for a month, Stella began to realize that the wrinkles that once plagued her face were gone. She did not recall using any special make-up or anything. How did this happen?

Well, after a while, the answer did not matter, as Stella found her former youth returning, and she would commemorate this with a song every day at the piano. Then, the ravens would gather and caw to the tune of her song, as if they wished to share in this good fortune.

Or was it really good fortune? I'll leave that for you to decide. The only thing I will leave with is this: Whenever a raven offers you anything, it always comes with a price, even if that price should be....your own life.

Such are the tales of Canopy City. 

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