[1] "Friendly" Faces Everywhere.

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.°•your POV•°.
10:41pm • December 1st

Silence, that was what i was known for. the inability to speak my mind or make a name for myself. all my life no matter where i went, silence and indifference. it was a lonely life but it was the one i had known all these years.

Sure i friends, but that was temporary. moving around all my life I've learned not to get attached. but now, i was back in my home town, where i grew up. South Park, the pissant mountain town i was born in, and maybe one of the worst places i had been throughout all 15 years of my life.

i was back.

i was finally back.

"Hey honey, you've been staring out the window for awhile now, are you alright?" i heard my mother ask with concern clear in her tone.

"oh yea, sorry mom" i shook my head "just thinking, do you think anyone's gonna remember me?" i asked, i knew she'd say yes but deep down i knew my presence was never even noticed.

"awh hun, im sure someone will. you're unforgettable, you know that." she smiled a warm smile and ruffled my (H/C) hair.

"thanks mom." i said monotonous. "oh by the way did you get the papers in the mail yet? for school?" i turned to face her

"yea actually thats why i came up here." she had 3 different papers in her hand and began to explain each
"This one is the directions to your bus stop, and bus number, this one is your schedule, and this one is a letter from your principal" she gave them to me

each of them were labeled and signed by "P.C Principal" from South Park High.
Before coming here, i was told that k-12 were mashed into the same school due to the towns low budget, so atleast i would be kind of familiar with the surroundings.

"thanks mom, but i still dont know about this i mean.. cmon! im going in the middle of the school year - i wont fit in I'll-" before i could continue my ramblings my mom held a finger to my mouth to shush me

"You'll be fine Y/N, now go get some rest. school starts early." she said, leaving me alone in my room and to drown in my own self doubt.

i sighed to myself and sat on the edge of my bed.

i thought over my recent experiences in this place.
Perviously i was involved with a group of girls led by the one and only Wendy Testaburger, do you think she'd remember me? probably not. we never really spoke, i was just roped into it due to being a girl. well, a pretty girl.

while thinking over this, I hadn't even realized i drifted off into sleep.

"Y/N? whose that?" i heard my name said for the first time by someone who wasn't a teacher, said by a boy at the front of my class.

"i dunno dude, does that person even go to this school" another commented. i just sunk lower into my desk hoping not to be noticed or anything - not like anyone would have in the first place but..

6:40am • December 2nd


I heard my alarm echo through my currently empty room. "uuuuhgg" i groaned, hitting the off button and sitting up, rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

i looked around for a sec and noticed my mom set out my clothes on the edge of my bed. i stood up, hissing at the coldness of my floor.

i picked up my clothes and went to the bathroom. there i took a quick shower and brushed my teeth.
after that i got dressed. my mother had thankfully picked out a really cute outfit.

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