Blue Eyes

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A/N: sorryyy i forgot to publish this yesterday but here it is.

This is a story my grandmother told me. It is very true; I've seen it in old newspapers and in pictures on the internet. 


A few years ago, in a small town in Spain, there lived two sisters named Jacky and Sabrina. Jacky was 16 years old, and Sabrina was 18. Jacky absolutely hated Sabrina. She just didn't show it. Sabrina didn't do anything to Jacky. She was actually a very nice girl. But Jacky hated Sabrina because of her looks and popularity. When she looked at Sabrina, she saw everything she wanted to be. 

Sabrina had long blond hair, she was attractive and had a slim figure and never needed to diet. She had perfect white skin and never even needed to wear makeup. Sabrina was also very popular with the boys at school. Whenever she walked by the boys would whistle to get her attention and it seemed as if every boy in her school wanted to date her. 

But there was something Jacky envied more than anything about Sabrina. It was her gorgeous blue-green eyes. 

One afternoon Jacky was sitting her room and kept thinking about how she thought she was ugly, and that Sabrina had everything she wanted. As she stared at herself in the mirror, she kept thinking about how she could destroy or kill Sabrina. Yes, she did think that far. While sitting she created a plan. 

While Jacky was in her room with her master plan of killing Sabrina, Sabrina was blissfully unaware of what her little sister was about to do. 

The next evening, Sabrina and Jacky's parents went out for their Friday night movie. They went to go watch a new comedy movie that had just came out. 

Jacky waited till 10PM, when her sister arrived home from the mall. Sabrina went into her room, cheerful and normally walking around. When Sabrina walked into her room, she noticed something strange. The framed photo of herself smiling...was shattered and lying on the ground.  

Sabrina got a phone call. Looking at the caller ID, it was unknown. She picked up. 

"Come outside, come outside" The voice hissed.

Sabrina recognized the voice. It was Jacky.

Rolling her eyes of thinking what play she was putting on she trotted downstairs and opened the front door. 

What she saw made her loose her senses.

The dead body of her sister Jacky was hanging by the neck from her tree upside down. Her stomach slit open, and her guts were spilling out. Her dead eyes were staring straight at Sabrina. 

The scene was so awful that Sabrina ripped out her eyes so she wouldn't have to look at it anymore. Jacky's plan was successful. She got exactly what she wanted. It just required a bit of sacrifice.

In her madness, she had killed herself in the most horrible and disturbing way she could have imagined in order to destroy her sister's beauty. 

Sabrina had lost the most beautiful thing she had - her eyes. 

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