Watch What You Wish For

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Six year old Kelly Clarkson was walking in the woods near her house. When she was walking she tripped over something. She got up and noticed it was a beautiful doll. It had bright red hair, a dress with flowers all over it, and it wore a necklace that said, "Cindy" on it. Kelly assumed Cindy was its name.

She took the doll back home and washed it. Cindy was perfect. Kelly loved her new doll. The next few months she ate with her, slept with her, went to school with her and did everything together.

Years passed by and Kelly was still friends with Cindy at the age of twelve. The only thing Kelly missed was having Cindy talk to her. That night, she whispered to Cindy, "I wish you could talk and be like me."

The next day when Kelly went to school, a new girl walked in the class. She had bright red hair with a dress covered in flower designs. She also wore a necklace that read "Cindy" on it.

When Kelly saw her, her eyes widened.

"Is your name really Cindy?" Kelly asked, surprised.

"Yes," She said.

"Wow you look a lot like my best doll. She has a dress like yours and her name is Cindy."

"That's cool," Said Cindy nervously as she walked away slowly.

When Kelly got home she kept thinking something was going on.

The next morning she met Cindy on the way to school, so they walked together. On the way two mean girls came in the way.

One of the girls said, "Hey Kelly where do you get your clothes from? The garbage?"

The other one then said, "Yeah they smell like garbage. Oh wait, that's you."

Cindy replied, "Stop! She smells perfect and her clothes are beautiful! Insult her again, and I will hurt you!"

Kelly didn't know why Cindy was reacting this way...they were just brats. After school the two mean girls returned. They insulted Kelly once again.

"Stop! I told you to stop insulting my BEST FRIEND!" Cindy stood up for me again.

"What are you gonna do? Tell your mommy?" One girl said and then started laughing with the other

"You'll see..." Cindy said.

'Best friend? I'm best friends with my doll Cindy. Not this girl. Although she is sweet and very nice, I don't know her well. And what does she mean by "You'll see?"' Kelly thought.

That night, Kelly couldn't find her doll anywhere in the house. She spent an hour looking for Cindy but she had no luck. Finally around ten pm she found her.

The next morning she turned on the news.

"Two girls were found murdered. One burned to death with her mouth taped and the other skinned alive in the bathtub. Both parents were not home that night." Said the news reporter. Kelly looked closer at the girls. She realized they were the two mean girls that insulted her that day.

Kelly freaked out when she realized what happened. She couldn't find her doll right away meaning she could have slipped out and came back, and how Cindy looked so much like her doll. And most importantly she wished for Cindy to come to life.

Cindy killed those girls.

Kelly was scared but still went to school.

That day, Kelly sat with Clark. They had been friends for almost seven years, and they liked each other. Cindy became jealous but didn't tell Kelly.

That night, once again, Kelly couldn't find Cindy. She was scared, but finally found Cindy. She watched the news once again and Clark was found stabbed to death.

Kelly was so scared and sad but at the same time mad, that she grabbed Cindy and yelled, "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?! WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME?!"

Kelly ripped Cindy's head off and ran off to the woods where she found the doll years ago and threw her as far as she could.

"The series of death's continues. Now I am reporting live from Northwood Woods, in which we found a girl wearing a dress with flowers on it, red hair, and a necklace reading "Cindy." Authorities can't seem to find anyone related to the girl but are still burying her. That's all for now, Sarah, can you take it from here?" The news reporter said.

Weeks later, on the news authorities found out who Cindy was related to, so they had to exhume her body. But the only thing they found in the coffin was a doll. She had red hair, wore a flower dress and a necklace reading "Cindy." Her head was ripped off. Strangely when they removed her dress, they saw the words "Destroy this doll." written on her blood.

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