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Chapter 2 - Rain

James's POV:

I was sitting in my office on the highest floor of The Marjorie Studios building. My company's head courters building.

I've been the CEO of The Marjorie Studios ever since it was born.

I brought this company up from nothingness to being one of the most successful architectures companies in the

Ever since middle school, I've always known what I wanted to do.

I loved architectures. The different buildings. Each unique. Each with its own beauty.

Something about buildings always amazed me.

The way they worked. How they were built. Their beauty. How fascinating they were.

A knock on door startled me from my work.

"Come in." I called out looking at my laptop before looking in front of me when I heard the door open and close behind whoever just walked in.

"Mr. Cooper, I have everything ready. Here are all the documents, updates, overviews, and reports from the construction of the office in San Diego."

My assistant, David passed me a folder with all that he had just mentioned.

We were making and slowly building offices all around the world.

We already had a couple in UK, French, Italy, Japan, Germany and USA. New York, San Francisco, Boston and now we are in the process of building one in San Diego.

San Diego...

Before I got lost in my thoughts, I quickly mumbled a thank you to David and gestured for him to continue.

"As you can see, they want you there for at least 3 to 6 months. They hope to finish in that time and then we'll soon be able to transfer some people there and hier new employees."

"Good. When do they want me there?"

"They were hoping for in this month."

"Mmm. Do I have anything of huge importance next week?"

"Let me check." He went on his tablet, looking at the schedule.

"Mmm you have a meeting with Mr. Smith about building his office in San Francisco on Wednesday. You have a few other meetings with other clients. Mr. Henger Tuesday, Mr. Vincent Thursday, and Mr. Glint Friday. There would also be a meeting with some of the employees that are working at the office in Milan, Italy on Friday. It'll be an online one."

"Mmmm a busy week is it? Uh would you please look at the flights for mhmm let's say next Friday night? And then send me the details before you purchase. Same for the place of staying."

"Of course sir. Will do."

And with that he walked out.

Now that week has already past in a rushed blur.

Signing documents. Packing my things. Finishing up some work. Buying souvenirs for my parents. And other things that required to be done before I leave.

It was now Thursday. I'm leaving tomorrow night so it's my last night in my apartment.

It was raining. I laid on my bed that came with the apartment and looked out the window, letting my thoughts wonder.

Suddenly I thought of her.

She always loved rain. She would always stare at it like it was the most mesmerizing thing on the planet or run outside and dance while laughing.

Sometimes, most of the times actually. She would make me go outside with her and dance in the rain.

"Come on James, spin me again pleeeeeeaaase!!!!!" She squealed.

"Ughhhh okay, okay." I mumbled while gently grabbing her hand and spinning her around.

"Olivia, I swear if we are going to get sick because of this. It's your fault!" I shouted through the rain.

"Yeah, yeah whatever." She brushed me off laughing.

She jumped up and down. Ran in cercles, and sang Taylor Swift lyrics. Her laughter filling the air.

Her laughter.....

The most beautiful sound I has ever heard.

I could hear it so clearly now yet it was almost forgotten.

It's been 7 years after all. At the thought I felt my eyes getting watery. I rubbed my eyes not letting a single tear fall.

I thought of her for what seemed like hours before finally falling into the world of darkness and dreams.

Chapter 2 is done!!!!

Sorry it's a bit short but I wasn't sure what else to write.

Writing in his pov is definitely a lot harder and I wasn't exactly sure what to write about his life in London.

Anyways, hope y'all will have an amazing day and thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed!

Love, T


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