01 | Chapter

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Once again Pom was left behind with the elderly and the children of her village while the kids her age were out on a hunt. Usually she could grin and bear her sister's orders to stay put, but today was not that day. Pom aggressively weaved a new fruit basket for their hut. The last one was worn so thin the autumn before that when Ram tossed an average sized squash into it, the gourd ripped straight through, landing on Pom's big toe. She cursed the basket then and she cursed it now as her fingers cramped.

"Pst, Pom!" The voice belonged to Frias. He crouched at the edge of the hut's opening and waved her closer.

"Aren't you supposed to be with your Osaa?" Pom asked as she set the basket down and cocked a brow at the boy.

As soon as you reached the age of ten you were placed in the spiritual care of an Osaa. They taught the youth how to manipulate Dhaekya through meditation and mantras. However, at her sister's request, Pom never received an Osaa. She said Pom would never need to learn such things. The elders obliged.

"She thinks I'm having a 'vision' by the Elder tree," Frias chortled. "We're gonna try and spear some fish. You wanna come? Ram and the Osaa won't be back 'til sundown, y'know."

"Oh, I know," Pom said as she stood and rubbed her aching hands on her smock. "You don't have to tell me twice. Let's get out of here before I die of boredom."

Frias grinned. "Make sure to bring your lucky pendant, we need it. Gro's with us and you know how terrible a shot he is."

Pom flashed the pendant at Frias, it hung from a loose cord around her neck. She always had it on. Pom was no stranger to sneaking out. She grabbed one of Ram's extra spears - the one she didn't like. It was old and unbalanced, but it would work. Frias and Pom kept their heads low while they made their way through the trees that surrounded the village. Eventually they came upon a small clearing where they were greeted by a boy and a girl. Gro and Lo. They both had bushy brown hair and identical dimples on their cheeks. It wasn't a stretch of the imagination to assume they were twins.

"You escaped!" Lo said with an excited grin before pulling Pom into a bear hug.

"I know, we might actually catch some fish," Pom shot an ornery look at Gro. The boy shrugged with his usual wide smile. There wasn't anything in all of Epora that could get under the pair's skin. They were always so cheerful.

The four walked a while further before hearing the crisp running river. The breeze was cool, chilled by the surface of the water. Pom inhaled the fresh scent of moon moss and whisper lilies. Serenity swept over her as she exhaled, forgetting about the agitations of the day. No. Ram couldn't hold her back out here.

After a repugnant hour of spearing attempts, the group decided to toss their weapons on the bank and cool their bare feet in the water. It wasn't long before Gro and Lo were splashing each other in their merry way. Pom walked into the river until it lapped at her knees. She raised her hands in the air and gave a mighty stretch while twisting her hips. Just then she caught a glimpse of Frias staring at her. When their eyes met, he quickly looked away.

Feeling vulnerable all of the sudden, Pom's hands shot back down. She crossed her arms and stared at the clear water as heat flooded her cheeks and ears. So stupid! There's no way he didn't see you do that. Pom swallowed her embarrassment down hard and sucked in a breath before making her way to Frias.

"Hey," she said, proud that she didn't stammer over the word. Frias gave a nod and averted his eyes. Her and Frias had been best friends their whole life, but things had gotten weird lately. Every so often there were these awkward silences and a gnawing tension between them. Sometimes it was annoying, Pom just wished things would be normal again. But, sometimes it felt good. Pom quickly stamped the thought from her mind.

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