First impression:

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-he thought that you were pretty brave to trip one of the knights of favonius(?)


-he thought you were annoying as hell.


-he thought you played the lyre very well and that you should hang out again
-but poor boy didn't realize that he would probably get hit in the head a lot


-thought you were pretty
-he was glad to come across someone who doesn't want him to do a favor for them
-man is just rlly tired of doing favors

Arataki itto🐗:

-like i said, he thinks ur clothing is weird
-but nonetheless, he still like the way you walk around like nothing is wrong
-he loves how you dress since it makes you stand out from the crowd


-obviously thought you were pretty
-but oddly got a vibe that you would be annoying
-he ignored that vibe he was getting
-he is glad that he did ignore that


-thought you were very skilled at combat
-he also thought if you do have a vision that you would be amazing to have as one of his soldiers
-thought you'd make a good partner (or male wife/wife)
-yea not that interesting
-his mind is everywhere


-thought you were dumb AF
- "how can someone be so stupid that they fall off a cliff more than once?!?"
-last time you met he said that if you fall off a cliff again he will wait to get you until you almost hit the floor
-but he's too sweet to do that

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter tho it was short!
I won't post a lot bc of school, but i will update when I can!

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