Razor catch-up

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  How you met

-you met thru Bennet

-when you first met you were wondering why he spoke in incoherent sentences, but you being the person you are; decided not to judge him because you didn't know what he went thru yet.

-you both liked each other right off the bat.

 You met AGAIN

-you took him and bennet for a walk thru-out Mondstat and talk for a while

-nothing else to it really

 How they confessed to you

-poor baby boy Razor was shy and didn't know what to say

-"me like you, be mine?"

-it took you a moment to understand what he said

-once you realized what he meant by that you got really flustered from leaving him standing there for that long

-"yes Razor;;;;; I'd love to"

 First date together

-You went to wolvingdom (I DONT REMEMBER HOW TO SPELL IT HOLLY CRAP :'()

-you guys picked some berries and ate them together and talked

-a very simple date lol

 First Impression

-"Y/n very pretty"

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