Part 3

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Next day

Y/N was all ready after taking a shower. She was drying her hair. When she sees that  Jungkook was in search of something. She asks him about it.

Jungkook - Y/N! I have kept my wallet somewhere. Have you seen it?

Then y/n remembers that she saw it at night stand last night. She  immediately walks towards it.

Y/N - It's here! (smile)

Y/N turns back but because her slippers were too slippery she slips.  Jungkook was behind her so he holds her but he loses his balance too and they both fall on bed, first Jungkook then followed by y/n above him.

Y/N looks up only to meet his eyes. Their eyes widens and heart beats increases at their closeness.

Y/N - I-I am s-sorry. Its b-because of t-these slippers.

Jungkook - I-It's okay!

But just then

Min Jee - Aishhh! My holy eyes!! Guys atleast close the door of your room.

She leaves the room.  They both gasp and  Y/N immediately stands up followed by Jungkook but an awkward silence prevails in between them.

Jungkook - I-I should go n-now.

Y/N hums.

As Jungkook leaves y/n joins Min Jee in kitchen. She starts working beside Min Jee without having a word with her. Min Jee clears her throat gaining y/n's attention. She gives her a teasing smile.

Y/N - Unnie! ( whines) it's not like what you are thinking.

Min Jee - Did I say something that you are giving me the explanations. I mean you both are husband and wife now and whatever you two do behind the  doors is none of my business.


At dinner Table

Everyone was having dinner while Jungkook and Y/N were avoiding eye contact with each other.

At night they were preparing for sleep when someone knocks their door. Jungkook opens the door and finds Jinmin and Min Jee .

Jungkook - What happened noona?

Min Jee - Jinmin wants to sleep in your room today. Though I have scolded him to not to disturb you both but he is not listening to me.

Jungkook - It's okay noona let him sleep with us

Y/N - Come here  Jinmin.

She opens her arms and Jinmin without wasting even a second quickly runs towards her while giggling.

Jungkook - Yeah Jinmin where is my hug?

Jinmin hugs Junkook too but Jungkook starts tickling him making Jinmin laugh uncontrollably . Y/N beams after seeing this beautiful relationship of uncle and his nephew.

Y/N'S POV - So he will be a good dad in future.( she blushes) W-wait dad? Y/N stop it!

Jinmin - Jinmin  sleep  between Uncle  y/n Aunty.

Y/N places him beside her and tucks him in duvet. Jungkook leaves for couch

Jinmin - Uncle! Jinmin ( he pats beside him) here

Jungkook - No baby uncle sleeps on couch

Jinmin - NO! ( shouts) Uncle here! ( whines)

Y/N - It's okay Jungkook sleep with us on bed.

Jungkook hesitates but nods

Later that night Junkook finished his work on laptop . He kept it aside and prepares for sleep but his eyes stop at sleeping figure of y/n and Jinmin. He smiles giving a peck on Jinmin's forehead .

He admires y/n for a while and finds her beautiful with an angelic face, he tucks a strand of hair  behind her ear which gave him a more clear view of her face. He felt like pecking her cheeks but controls his urge. He covers y/n and Jinmin more with duvet and falls asleep himself .


Jungkook was enjoying the pancakes cooked by y/n. Just then rest of the members joined him on dinning table.

Seokjin - Hmm...Yummy pancakes! ( he licks his lips)

Mrs Jeon - Who cooked them?

Jungkook - Y/N!

Mr Jeon  - Give me one too.

Jungkook - N-No dad! These are for m-me. If you w-want ask noona to c-cook for you .

Mrs Jeon - But y/n have cooked something for the first time atleast let us taste.

Jungkook - I-I said No! These are f-for me only I will have them.

Seokjin suspects  something being fishy  there. He calls y/n and asks her if they can have some to which y/n nods instantly but Jungkook being Stubborn refuses infact he removes the plate from table and places it on his lap meanwhile Y/N was called by Min Jee in kitchen

While he was arguing with everyone

Jinmin - Ewww!

He throws the pancake gaining everyone's attention.

Jungkook gulps and places the plate back on the  table with a embarrassing smile. Everyone grabs a pancake with a straight face while Jungkook was looking down with a embarrassed pout. They take a bite and then place it back on plate with that straight face. An awkward silence prevails on the table where everyone was avoiding each other's stare.

Seokjin pats Jungkook's back.


Min Jee was cooking in kitchen when someone back hugs her.

Min Jee - What happened baby!

Seokjin - we don't get much time with each other these days . (pouts)

Min Jee chuckles. She turns back and gives a peck on his cheeks.

Min Jee - you are right but with time responsibilities increases too so

Seokjin - But still I miss those old days of ours.

Min Jee hums while hugging him but little did they know someone was listening to their conversations.

Time Skip

Y/N - Umm...Jungkook can we go for a picnic?

Jungkook - Picnic? Suddenly?

Y/N - If you are busy then it's okay we can

Jungkook - No no It's not like that. I was just asking why so suddenly.

Y/N - Actually next week mom and dad are going to hometown for few days. So I just thought why don't we go on a picnic with Jinmin next week!

Jungkook - With Jinmin!

Y/N - Yes! Actually today unnie and Seokjin brother were talking about that how they are getting less time to spend with each other these days. Sooo...

Jungkook nods chuckling

Jungkook - We will surely go on a picnic with Jinmin next week then. ( Wink)

They give a high-five to each other.


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