Act. 3

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"So girls about Y/N-" "Who is that?" "Oh, yeah I forgot, his name is not Arsene Lupin he's Y/N L/N" said A-Chan to the girls.

"Hm cute name" said Calli "Much better than Lupin" added the chicken girl "Hmp" Ina nodded in agreement.

"Anyways he will be joining the Holomyth" "What?!" screamed Amelia "Heh" scoffed Calli "Cool" said Gura with Kiara and his Ina just stood there looking at A-Chan.

"But he's a criminal!" said Amelia slightly mad "But you were there with yagoo and he did say that is an option or prison"

"I though he was kidding" said Amelia "Well I'm sorry to say this but it seems you have the only problem with it Watson" "I-it's not that I have a problem with him, it's just that....ehm...well he is a criminal"

"Well he is under a agreement with Yagoo not to do any mischievous things and he will be free to go to shops and etc. plus he will be living with all of you so you can keep an eye out on him"

"*sigh* I guess it's fine, I don't even know if we could get him arrested because of the fact that he should be 100 years old now" said Amelia massaging her forehead "Oh don't you worry Watson I'm sure you'll warm up to him" said Gura which Amelia nodded in response.

"Well looks like you girls can handle it from now, I allready sent a few guys to go get Y/N's setup and I need at least one of you to go with him to ikea or somewhere else to pick out some decorations and furniture, at least some things for his room until he will learn to at least shop on Amazon"

"By the way where is Y/N now?" said Ina tilting her head "He's.....drinking with Yagoo-sama" said A-Chan with disappointment in her voice "Well they seem to get along" spoke up Calli crossing her arms.

"Yeah Yagoo-sama is getting to know him plus catching up with all the things over the years. Oh I forgot to mention when Y/N's setup arrive he'll spend a few days locked up in his room with instant ramen and energy drinks watching streams, youtubers and playing games just so he will catch up and learn the basics, soo don't disturb him? I guess?"

"Jeez every otakus dream" said the little shark "Whose idea was that?" asked Kiara "Yagoo and Y/N, well he said he should spend a long time playing games and watching streamers to get the hand of it and Y/N said 'Just supply me with caffeine and food and I can go a week without sleep'"

"Jeez he'll look like a ghoul" spoke up Gura giggling a bit" "I have a question A-Chan" said Amelia "I'm listening" "Why is Y/N joining the Holomyth when Holocouncil just started, can't he join them?"

"Well about that, it is more fitting to join the Holomyth as he will be called 'Arsene Lupin the Shape-shifting Gentleman Thief'" "Woah" said the girls in union "After his avatar is done and he is ready to debut, his debut will be announced in one of your streams"

"Oh I'm curious what does his design look like?" said Gura jumping like a little monkey "Y/N and Yagoo-sama are discussing it right now" "While drinking?" asked Ina "*sigh*yeah... Anyways you girls should go do your own things they are going to be drinking and talking for a while and the guys with Y/N's setup should be here soon"

*Ding* "Speak of the devil" said A-Chan walking to the door "Up here" said A-Chan walking to Y/N's new room which had no use up until now.


It has been a week and 3 days since Yagoo and Y/N had their meeting. All the girls were sitting in the living room watching Ratatouille. Gura could be seen lying on the ground next the the fireplace covered in a blanket, Amelia sitting on her chair with Bubba in her lap sleeping, Ina was on the couch drinking hot cocoa because of the chilly weather outside and Calli sitting next to Ina while Kiara was passed out on Callis shoulder.

When suddenly footsteps could be heard from the staircase making all the girls snap to look at the staircase except Kiara who was sleeping peacefully. And from the staircase emerged the one and only Y/N L/N looking like a succubus sucked the life out of him.

Bubba jumped off Amelia's lap and approached Y/N sniffing him. Y/N looked down appon the doggy. When Bubba looked up at Y/N he barked and licked his leg. When suddenly from Y/N shoulder emerged...

The creature yawned in which Y/N followed walking towards Amelia and sitting on her lap making the detective blush

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The creature yawned in which Y/N followed walking towards Amelia and sitting on her lap making the detective blush. "lucky" said Ina under her nose As the creature shifted his position to lay on Y/N's lap and falling asleep Y/N spoke up.

"Ratatouille eh?" said Y/N shifting himself on Amelia's lap, cuddling into her. "You know ratatouille?" asked the little shark with a slight blush watching Y/N cuddle into Amelia who was red as a tomato with steam coming from her head.

"Of course I love Paris and cooking, so I watched it" said Y/N with a deep calm voice. You could hear the sleep depravity from his voice. "How much sleep did you get since the last time we met?" asked Calli in which Kiara woke up "None" "OMG Y/N what is that?!"  Kiara screamed as soon as she saw the creature on Y/N's lap.

Before Y/N could respond Kiara spoke up again "HOL UP ARE YOU CUDDLING WITH AMELIA?!" Amelia couldn't take the embarrassment anymore and pushed Y/N of off her making Y/N fall on his ass. "Ouch oi detective whyy?" "Don't whyy me!! You just sat on my lap without asking!!"

"*phf* OK than Detective I'll guess I'll just join the girls on the couch" Y/N said picking up the creature and moving next to Kiara at end of the couch.

"By the way its a red panda and her name is Puffy" "Cuuute, can I hold her?" asked Kiara with stars in her eyes "Sure if she let's you"

Kiara picked up Puffy as the panda woke up, looked at Kiara and cutely growled. "Awwww cuuute"

Why do I feel kinda jealous, maybe I shouldn't have been rough on him
*grunt* "What's up Ame?" asked Gura hearing Ame grunt "Huh?! Oh it's nothing" "a"

"Anyways girls good talking with you I'm going to sleep for 2 days straight and when I wake up I was told to go buy furniture so I'll leave the decision to you who will have to take care of me for a day. Come on Puffy let's go" Y/N said before standing up waiting for puffy to jump off of Kiara and approach Y/N, in response Y/N picked her up and put her on his head.

Puffy rested on Y/N's head as Y/N turned his head to the girls and said "Don't fight over me" he said with a smirk leaving the girls going to his room falling on his mattress and passing out with puffy next to him. "Is noone gonna question when did he have a time to get a red panda?" Asked Calli with no response from the girls "Noone? Allright"

"So who wants to go?"

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