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WARNING : Short Chapters!!! I'm bad at details. Will get longer.

Stiles P.O.V.
'Tender Breasts, Nausea, Frequent Urination', I type in Malia's symptoms into the search engine. I gulp as I read the words 'Pregnancy Symptoms', on all of the results. I glance at Malia as she walks over to me,
"Whatcha find?", she asks with worry and curiosity.
She stares at the screen for a few seconds before saying "I'm pregnant?"

Scott's P.O.V.
"I'm pregnant."
Did Kira really just say that?
"Are you sure? I mean, uh, are you sure its not just stress or something?"
"I took a pregnancy test and it was positive."
"Wh-what do you want to do?"
"I-I don't really know."
"Okay, we should probably just tell my mom first, I mean she is a nurse."
"Um, okay."

Lydia's P.O.V.
They're dead. Not only is my best friend, but also the father of my unborn child. What am I going to do? How can I possibly handle this?And here I thought I was the smart one. All those years of being a bitch are flying right back at me.

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