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Scott's P.O.V.
I feel so guilty. Today Kira's getting her first ultrasound and her parents aren't gonna be there. We told them and she was kicked out. Now she has to share a bed with me. If I had just remember to put on a condom and not get caught up in the moment, she wouldn't be going through this.
"Kira Yukimura," called a nurse.
We stood up and after getting a regular checkup we followed her to a room where there was a machine with a screen,
"I'll be administering the ultrasound today. Just lie down and pull up your shirt." Kira did as she was told while the nurse grab a some kind of ointment or something.
"This will be a little cold", the nurse says as she squeezes a gel out. She grabs a wand looking thing and starts moving it around her stomach.
"Oh my! Do twins run in the family by any chance?"
"Why?!" Kira and I ask in unison.
"That's what your having."

Stiles P.O.V.
I sit with Malia as I watch a nurse come out.
"Lydia Martin?", she says. Wait, Lydia? Not only is Scott also having a kid, but even Lydia? What the hell? Is our town a fertility attraction too? I watch as she stands up and follows the nurse.

Lydia's P.O.V.
I stare at the 3D ultrasound that my mom paid extra for and gape as I see not one, not even two, but three little babies!

Stiles P.O.V.
I can't help but smile as I look at the screen with the baby shaped image.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2015 ⏰

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