Telling People

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Stiles P.O.V.
"We should tell my dad", I tell Malia.
"He'll want to know & we have to make sure the baby is healthy."
"Okay, we'll tell him at dinner. But I'm pretty sure it's fine, I am a supernatural creature and I have the strength and health that along with it."
" Dinner Time!", I hear my dad calling. We walk down to the kitchen where I see Chinese take out.
"Grab some food & we'll watch the ball drop."
"It's 11:55."
"Oh yeah, it's December 31st."
"Yeah, how could you forget?" I think back to 2 days ago when $117,000,000 was taken from the Hale Vault.
"We have something to tell you dad". He turns to us and jokingly says "She's not pregnant is she?" I look down and he sighs. "How far along? Haven't I taught you about condoms?"
"There weren't any where we were."
"Where were you?"
"Eichen House."
"I'll set up an appointment", he sighs. He walks over towards his phone and dials a number. "Hey, Melissa?" I hear him say. Oh boy.

Scott's P.O.V.
Kira and I walk down the stairs, I'm gonna have to tell my mom eventually, might as well be tonight.
"Malia's pregnant? Yeah sure, I'll get you guys an appointment."
"Malia's pregnant?" I ask.
"Yes, and you better not wind up like Stiles, having a kid at such a young age, you have another decade until then."
I sigh," Mom", I look at her with guilt.
She looks at Kira holding her stomach and gives me an angry look. "No", she says. Here comes the yelling.

Lydia's P.O.V.
"Honey, I've set an appointment up with a OBGYN for you," my mom tells me.
"I think you know. You've been throwing up, your boobs are bigger, you've gained weight. Who's the father?"
Damn, I'm so hormonal. I can't it as I burst into tears. "He was just a guy from school," I lie. He wasn't just some guy, I loved him and he died.
She hugs me and says "Next week is your appointment."

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