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Today at lunch time.
Inside an amusement park.
We can see clearly, that there is a couple.
A beautifull girl and a handsome young man.
They are even holding hand, with a sweet smile on the beautifull girl's face.

And a gentle smile on the handsome young man's face.
While looking at each other's face, and murmuring slowly.
The beautifull girl's name is Clara.
And the handsome young man's name is Casey.
Their age differed by two years.

Clara is 18 years old.
Meamwhile, Casey is 20 years old.
Today is sunday, so the couple can meet and have a date today.
Yes, right now, they are is enjoying their date.
Since Clara is still a high school student, it is rare for them, to be able to go on a date.

After all, not only Clara is busy with her school's work.
But, Casey too. He is also busy with his part-time work and classes.
Yes, Casey is a university student.
Today Casey didn't have to go do his part-time work or attend classes.
That's why Casey agreed, when his girlfriend asked him to go on a date.

And their dating place is the amusement park.
Their dating place is the idea of their friends.
Right now is lunch time, Clara and Casey is deciding their rest place.

Then suddenly, Clara asked her boyfriend slowly.

" Casey, where do you want to go for lunch? a Caffe? Or restaurant? "

Instead of answering, Casey asked his girlfriend softly.

" what about you Clara? Where do you want to go? "

" hm, I.. I am fine anywhere, as long as you are with me Casey. "

Answered Clara still with a sweet smile on her face.

" owh, you are so sweet Clara. But, I am also fine anywhere, as long I am with you Clara. "

Answered Casey still with a gentle smile on his face.

" but I am serious Casey! "

Said Clara feeling a bit frustrated with her boyfriend's answered.

" okay, okay, I am wrong baby.. don't be angry.. "

Pleaded Casey slowly.

" then, hurry answer me! Where do you want to go for lunch! "

Shouted Clara serious.

" hm, but baby, before that.. can you tell me first, what kind of food would you like to have for lunch? "

Asked Casey serious.

" eh? Ah, about that.. I don't know, besides I am not a picky eater. I am fine with whatever. "

Answered Clara softly.

" really? But that won't do, you know? "

" huh? Why? "

" because I want to know more about you, dear Clara.. everything about you, be it your favorite food, favorite drink, favorite colour, even your dislike.. I want to know about them! "

Said Casey with affection in his eyes.

" Casey, you.. I like you very much! "

Said Clara with affection in her eyes.

" I know, I also like you very much.. "

" yeah, you know.. "

Said Clara feeling touched and happy with her boyfriend's thoughtfulness and sudden confession.

Clara & Casey stare at each other for a while.
But then, Clara said slowly while still staring at Casey.

" well, I.. if you ask me what I like, then the answer can only be one thing. It is chocolate. I like chocolate very much! "

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