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Arjun (.p.o.v.)

She spoiled my whole mood. But the food was delicious I have to admit. But the thing is that I can't her happiness. I have many cars to ride to the company but I chose the merc. It's my favourite and customised as per my way.

Arriving at the company. I could see some lady staff gasping due to my hotness. I know I am handsome as hell. Unfortunately I am married and the whole company knows that which is obviously told by my dad. Mr. Chan came and greeted me and directed me towards my new cabin.

"Mr. harshvardhan sir was extremely excited for you. As he was sure that you can handle the company perfectly. He saw potential in you. I and all the staff her promise to obey you and acknowledge you as our boss." Wow. His words definitely made me impressed.

When I entered my cabin. It was huge and formal. The black and while marble finishing and the big velvet couches. And my desk and the most important my chair. Which was of brown leather it seemed so comfortable after seating on it. " Thank you Mr.Chan for your kind words. I would like to explore the full company after lunch ". He nodded and left me .

Then someone knocked on my door. " Come in ". Then the three monkeys entered which I mean my bestfriends. They all will be working in my dad's different branches. It was awesome to know. They gave me a wide smile to which I made a confused face.

Then as they moved a girl entered holding a file and said " Good morning sir. I will be your personal secretary from now on ". What ? Thank god something good is happening with me. She was hot and looked young. " Your name?". " Mellisa sir. " She answered. 

" Welcome and please tell me my schedules for today ". Nodding she read all my schedules , I am a buzy man now. She left my office. Opening the computer I started doing some work. I was surprised by my own behaviour that how am I doing work?

But as it's said once we take it complete it. It was already lunch time. Everyone had a break. I stood up streching my arms , wait. Do I have to eat canteen food? Ofcourse not I am the boss. Someone came in and said that I have a lunch box sent by my wife. Anu ! .

" Who are you ? ". I asked the boy who handed me the tiffin. " Hello sir , I am Joey I work here in construction department ". He smiled and left. I peeked in the lunch box. Even though I was so pissed and angry at her in the morning she sent food for me. I was kinda surprised.

But at the same time. I thought maybe she was also angered by me. Which can even cause her to put poison in my food. If really then I am suspecting her. How can I know? First I took out the box and found a note on it.

You must be thinking of who will feed you food ? Here I am sending the food for you. Hope you like it. And don't even think of wasting or not eating the lunch.  And don't worry I haven't put any poision in it. You surely won't die!
Anu <3

She is clearing threatening me.  I am freaking boss. And I am not going to fear my wife atall. But smell is awesome and I am hungry. Taking out the food I opened the first tin. It had salad in it. Am i on diet? She doesn't know what I like. Second and third made me shut up as I saw my favourite fish curry and rice.

Without wasting any time further I dig in. It is damn tasty. Her hands are tasteful. I really loved the taste , it exactly tastes like my mom's hand food. Then there was also a extra tin. On which there was a emoji sticker.

This - 😋

As I opened it there was kheer. It is an Indian sweet dish. The dryfruits coated over it and the fragrance was making my mouth water. As I took one bite I was pleased by it. Wow another fantastically delicious dish. After eating everything my P.A entered and asked me that she will give me tour of the company.

As I walked out everyone gave me smiles and greetings. " Did you all eat well?". All looked surprised and nodded and asked me the same. " Definitely the food sent by his wife must be amazing because the fragrance even by holding it made my mouth water. Your wife is a chef I guess ". Said Joey making Arjun a little bit jealous.

He faked a smile and returned to the tour. The meeting room , the canteen , different departments and the factory which was behind the company building. Everything was well maintained. As suddenly mellisa lost the balance but Arjun held her by her waist. Trying to seduce him she have already kept her three buttons open.

Quickly both returned to there position as Mr.chan Was about to come. They greeted him and it was now time to go home. Arjun left the office went while driving he thought of drinking something hot because he was tired. Then a pamplet was given by a volunteer to him.

He read it and saw there is a chai shop. He was interested and thought of trying it. Then he followed the route and was standing before it. Getting inside he sat on a table and ordered a classic chai. A girl came and served him his order. Saying a low thanks he sipped the chai.

Then he heard Ananya's name. He turned around to see who said. As his eyes wondered around but saw no one but unknown people. Again returning to his tea. After finishing he checked his watch and it showed 9:20pm. He walked out of the shop and drived home.

" Hush. Thank god I didn't get caught. I must reach home before him otherwise I will be in danger ".

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