Julius Summer Day.

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It was a sad day that day in History. The death of an emperor. What started the series of events that led to said emperors death was a simple decision that was made. A very poor decision. It all started on a hot day. A very hot day, Julius was looking for ways to cool off in his palace. First he tried taking a dip in the pools. But alas for him they were dried up by the scorching temperatures. He ordered some of his senators to fill the pool with water as fresh as the mountains dew on a spring day. Sending them on a perilous journey to the lake on such a smoldering afternoon when the sun was at its zenith. Unhappily and fairly annoyed the senators followed their emperors commands at once. There were two unfortunate casualties on the way there. With the pool filled and the water looking cool and refreshing. Julius remembered he couldn’t swim. Not wanting anyone else to enjoy the pool he could not enjoy he drained the pool. Making the senators trek all in vain. Nevertheless they continued following him for he was a superb emperor. With his plan to cool off in the pool ending badly he sought after other ways to cool off. Sending his senators off to different places in search of ways to cool they’re emperor.  Each journey more dangerous than the last. Yet their fate in him never diminished. Climbing mountains for big ice blocks to lie on. Crossing seas for new blankets that are cold and refreshing. Making giant fans that would spin and turn stale hot air into refreshing gusts of wind in the palace. However none of these were enough to chill the emperor on the blistering day that was just oh so unnaturally hot that the guards were melting at they’re posts. Thinking of way to save their emperor from the searing heat. They sought inventors who could possibly make something in the shape of a rectangular box that would bring cool air from nothing. Yes they would create such a magnificent item and they would call it. A make it super cool box of magic and ice. Regrettably the magic box of ice was a failure and only inspired the wrath of Julius as he had the inventor executed by eating spicy food outside with no water. Seeing that they’re plans were just failures after failures the depressed senators stop trying. Leaving poor old Julies to renew his search for refreshing activities by himself. Going from land to land ignoring his political work, leaving it all up to his senators he searched. At some point he ended up in Antarctica, started war with an emperor penguin over who was the better emperor. Piling more and more work on his poor subordinates who continued to work to the bone on the blazing day that just wouldn’t end for some reason. With more work for them and less and less time with the emperor they started to realize. That the emperor was no good. So they hatched up a plan to kill him under the veil of night, although it would still be day, in his sleep. Getting all the knives and swords they needed they talked over they’re plan many times just to make sure they had it all figured out. First Julius would eat his supper like any other endless summer day in the blazing heat. Then he would feel weary because of the medicine in his food. Stumbling to his chambers he would lay down to rest. In that moment they would jump out of the fake wall that would be installed and they would attack him. With four of them to hold him down the rest would take their time to stab him. Taking out their anger at his letdown as an emperor. Sweet revenge would be theirs at last and he would burn on that sweltering day. The very same day they thought up their plan. Julius came in and oblivious to what they were doing handed out thank you cards he had made while away to thank his senators for their hard work in his absence. Over come with emotional feelings of happiness and gratefulness the senators regretted that they even thought up to assassinate such a great leader who would take the time out of his day to make them all thank you cards. Scraping their plans and preparations they accepted the cards and went back to work business as usual. Life was good again. Except for the heat and endless day that was just ridiculously long you would think it was some cruel curse put on the ill-fated souls of imaginary characters in some long haired boy’s nonsensical story for a picture. Thinking that all their troubles were not so bad they decided it was time for a break. The senators made their way to the grand fridge were they stored all the grandish food and drinks. Alongside some of their enemies frozen bodies of course. Rummaging through the freezer area of the grand fridge they looked for the very treats that could only be described as gift from beings of superior intellect. Frozen Fruit popsicles, The very name sounded divine in its own right on a smoldering day like that day. Alas in their searches of the grand freezer they could not find their divine snacks. Asking one of the puddles that used to be a guard what happened to their frozen delicacythey were filled with the rage of a thousand white hot suns raring to burst. They’re beloved emperor Julius had done a grievous deed. He had taken and eaten all of the delectable fruit flavored sticks of water. In blind fervor they stormed his room. He was there, enjoying the last popsicle in bliss. Sitting on the floor for some reason in front of his favorite statue of a naked man holding a ball. Without second thought the senators lunged at Julius brandishing butter knives and other small swords. They shanked and stabbed and jabbed and punctured Julius in very gory and hate filled ways. Julius all the while did not understand what was happening and instead proceeded to stick his hand out saying “Oi mate the heck you doing with that sharp piece of metallic death?” With those final words, Julius fell limp on the floor. The victory went to the senators, but was it really a victory? After the death of the emperor they realized. Their popsicle where still gone…

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2015 ⏰

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