𝙲𝙷𝙰𝙿𝚃𝙴𝚁 2: 𝙵𝚒𝚛𝚜𝚝 𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗.

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He extended his hand too but missed mine and hit me in the guts. It wasn't that hard of a blow but that definately knocked me back on the ground hitting the floor again.

"Oops..My mistake." He said sending me a smirk. Something told me that wasn't just an accident. But being the naive bitch I am I just responded with a "It's alright.." and got back on my feet.

"So.. Google.. What can you do?" I asked.
"Kill." He answered almost immediately.
"I am programmed to answer any and every question as fast as possible. I can also perform rudimentary tasks."
"Tasks like?"
"I am able to perform basic household chores."
"That's it? So much for being the smartest A.I." I rolled my eyes. Sure I didn't need him to do anything much. But  I couldn't help but make that comment just to piss him off. But I kinda regretted it when I looked at his peeved expression. But it soon turned into a malicious grin.

"I can do so much more and even better if you just grant me admin permission. And I can complete tasks automatically... Even when you sleep." And with that a holographic screen popped up asking for permission. Yeah I don't think that's a good idea....

"No thanks..." I responded declining. He dropped the grin and mumbled something inaudible under his breath with a groan and simply said "Fine. I'll ask again tomorrow." In a monotone voice and a poker face. And before I could say something he added, "As my user, you can give me a name. Would you like to do so?" And pulled up another hologram with a keyboard.

I thought about it. Well since he's gonna have this name forever I'd rather let him choose it. "Well what would you like to be called?" His neutral face fell into an expression I couldn't read. He definitely wasn't expecting that.

Google POV

"Why would you want me to chose it?" I asked my new user. I was really curious. I had been sent to serve so many users and none of them ever asked for my opinion.

"It's your name dude.. Shouldn't you have a say in it?" The user shrugged as if it was something really obvious. I thought about it. I'd prefer giving it a fair amount of thought if I get to pick it.

"If you don't mind, I'd prefer taking some time to pick a name. If it's ok, I'll let you know when I do so." I responded, sounding way more polite then intended, sure I had to act polite but this felt like too much.

"Alright! Take your sweet time! Oh and btw no need to call me user, just (Y/n) is good." The User smiled.

"Noted." I responded,"Would you like to log into your google account for efficiency and enhanced experience, Miss (Y/n)? By doing so it will also assist me to know primary information about you and your emergency contacts in case there is a need."

The User agreed to it though she seemed a little hesitant.

Your POV

"Alright well, since you're gonna be living here I might as well give you a house tour." I said after we got the account logged in. He now had access to my phone and my laptop since I already have my account in those, but it's not uncommon to do so, almost everyone does it.

"That would be nice thank you." He replied.


"And finally this is the guest bedroom, you can stay here. You're lucky I decided to clean this room yesterday. No one used it so it was pretty dusty."
He looked around the room and back at me and gave me a subtle nod. I saw his expression change when I told him this was his room. But it turned back to his neutral face too quickly.

"Alright well it's got everything you'll need the bathroom is across the hall.. I believe you should rest and charge for a while. I could change the sheets and give you another blanket if you're not comfortable sleeping in these." I suggested motioning to the bed. I had put them on because they matched the room and looked nice but in no way were they comfortable. But he just gave me a confused glare.

"I'm an A.I. I don't need sleep (I need answers.) I simply need to charge. I believe you should know that since you claim to be a robotic engineer." He nagged. I had told him about my profession when I showed him my office room.

"Well alright you can rest on the bed while you charge... The outlet is right by the bed anyways." I said giving him an eye roll and folding my arms.

"You do know I have a wireless charger right? I can charge and still move around." He was clearly enjoying annoying me like that I could see he was trying not to smile and miserably failing at it.

"Fine dude, take the couch if it bothers you so much." Was all I said. And he dropped his smug smile and looked at me for a while, walking into the room mumbling under his breath, before tossing himself onto the bed, swinging his legs over it too and resting against the bed rest. Folding his arms and pouting a little like a toddler and I couldn't help but think how adorable he looked.

"I'll get your charger and I'll be in the living room if you need me." I said giving him a smile before I settled back on the couch after giving him his charger which was inside the box, and continued my show. But I noticed the lack of the user manual.

T𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘬 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘨𝘶𝘺𝘴 𝘧𝘰𝘳 35 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘴!
𝘉𝘶𝘩 𝘉𝘺𝘦! :3

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