𝙲𝙷𝙰𝙿𝚃𝙴𝚁 5: 𝙰 𝚂𝚖𝚘𝚕 𝙲𝚑𝚒𝚕𝚍 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙰 𝙳𝚎𝚏𝚎𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚟𝚎 𝙿𝚎𝚒𝚌𝚎

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"What makes you think I'd need help from someone like you." Although you were hurt by his answer, you managed to maintain your composure.

You knew exactly how to fix this. You let out a sigh, you turned around and opened the door to his room and took ahold of his hand, dragging him inside with you.

"Sit down, please." You ordered softly, bringing him to the edge of the bed. He did so begrudgingly and you got back on your knees infront of him just like you did yesterday, giving him a small smile as he did what you said. Your smile melted soon and a concerned expression replaced it as you took both of his large hands in your small ones. You traced little patterns on the back of his hands with your thumbs. His demeanor changed greatly after that. The red in his eyes faltered slightly, his shoulder relaxed as he looked down at you with a mixture of feelings.

He couldn't understand.
What exactly were you doing?
He.. he was so confused.
Weren't you angry at him like a minute ago?
Why were you comforting him all of a sudden?
And why was he enjoying this?!

"What's wrong, love?" You asked in your gentlest tone, your voice barely above a whisper. And just like that the red was no longer there.

"I.. W-What do you mean?" Google stuttered, at a loss of words. Like? Whaaat? The Google IRL was at a loss of words... How did you, a pathet- , a hu..man.... manage to render the smartest A.I. speechless?

You chuckled a little at his response.

"What?! Why are you laughing?!" He asked, more defensively than angrily.

"You.." You snorted a little, trying not to laugh before continuing. "You're just like a smol child! It's so adorable!" You exclaimed moving your hands to his cheeks to pinch them. He really was like a 'smol child' as you just called him, you thought..

You were unsure whether trying to calm him down from his hissy fit like that by going all soft would really work.. 'But I mean... it did work yesterday... what's the harm in trying again?' Was your mindset. And you were amazed by the fact that it did work and you didn't go making a fool of yourself.

"Wha- I'll let you know, Miss (Y/n)! I am not no small child as you refer me to!" He flailed his arms around a little to get your hands off of his cheeks sounding indignant, and then turned away from you pouting a little and crossing his arms across his chest. (LIKE A LITTLE KID!) Did you just call the world's smartest A.I a child?! Did you even how stupid children were?! He wasn't stupid!

'But I am acting like one...' Google admitted to himself.

And.... 'omg is he blushing?!' You thought as you looked at him.

Tints of pink decorated his cheeks out of embarrassment. Though he seemed not to be aware of it, you noticed it and you supressed another giggle. You didn't even know he could blush!

Meanwhile Google couldn't make sense of the situation.

What was happening?! How did you just do that?! Why was he melting like putty at your hands?! And-and you were pissed at him...were you not? So why this sudden change?

She's faking it.
That's what it told him. But that's what it thought. Google was starting to realize those weren't his thoughts.

You, yourself had a voice in your head too. And it wasn't nice in any way... when he didn't respond for a long time you thought you fucked it up..

'Oh there you go! You just made the situation worse.. Great... just great. What were you doing calling him to child?! A 'smol' child none the less! Now he's gonna think you're making fun of him! He's gonna be even more pissed! This is a all your fault.. Everything is your fault.. Leave it up to (Y/n) to ruin everything..'

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