Chapter Two

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It's been eleven days since I was informed about CONPLAN 8888-11 and there has been little to no progress in researching this pathogen. Though we've learned that it spreads through bites and scratches. I over heard some higher ups talking about how it's more scary than that, there is more to it than the 'little people' know. Little people bring us. I've encountered only one infected person. It was... unreal. Like I was in a movie. I don't even want to say the words. Sick. They are just sick people. I try to convince myself but it isn't working.
I've had hardly any contact with my sister since my last phone call with her. I've only spoken to her one other time and it was brief. And by brief I mean 30 seconds or less. On top of no communication, I've also hardly gotten any sleep, so I sleep when I can and where I can. I made a makeshift pillow out of my surprisingly not horrendous smelling jacket. And laid myself down in the hall of the lab. I used the sleeves of my jacket and arms to cover my eyes. I lay there hoping to fall asleep quickly but I don't. I miss my sister, my mom, Sid, my bed! I want to shower, in my own shower! As I try to sleep, I hear two people walking by and then they stop. They are whispering to each other.
"There's nothing more we can do. It's getting out of control out there." Man 1 said. Man 2 clears his throat.
"Sir, what're you saying?"
"I'm saying it's time for us to leave and let these people fend for themselves." Man 1 still doesn't explain. The silence is all too loud.
"I don't know about you guys, but I'm going to get my wife and take her somewhere safe. Because in 24 hours, no where will be safe. I'm calling everything off. An evacuation of the higher ups." The men continue talking and walk away. Oh my god. After the men leave I get up and go to find Becca. And as if she heard the same exact news as I did she grabbed me and pulled me into an empty room.
"Bec, I just heard the craz-" I begin but she covers my mouth.
"You need to get out of here. Now! Pack up some supplies and go. They are evacuating E-5's and up then at 16:05 they are firing this place up." My eyes widen. She removes her hand from my mouth. I look at my phone, 15:44.
"You need to hurry. I'll be able to get you an opening at the main gate to leave. I'm friends with the guard there. They'll let you out. But you have to hurry!" Speechless. Nothing comes out of my mouth.
"Ashley, come on." My stone body turns to a matter less solid and my feet move. I grab a back pack and shove a surgical first aid kit in it along with, emergency light sticks, a flashlight, a solar portable charger, batteries, a hand crank radio, cord, fire starter, duck tape, masks, a life straw, and a few other miscellaneous first aid supplies. I lug the backpack over my shoulders then Becca grabs my arm and an empty duffle bag and we jog towards the front of the building stopping at a storage closet before the cafeteria. She immediately shuts the door behind us and turns the light on. She begins piling MRE's in the duffle along with iodine tablets, a metal
Cup, matches, a tarp.
"Becca, what is going on why do I need all of this stuff?" She continues throwing stuff if my bag, ignoring my question. I grab her which causes her to halt.
"The worlds going to hell Ashley. You're going to
need this stuff to need this stuff to survive." My mind is everywhere but here. Becca jam packs the bag full and hands it to me. She opens her mouth to say something. But was cut off by the intercom.
"Effective and immediately, all ranks E-5 and up are to report to the back of the building. I repeat all ranks E-5 and up are to report to the back of the building." She looks at me.
"That's our cue." She says and looks at her watch. 15:56
"You dont have much time. You need to run, and I mean RUN girl." She says shoving me out the door. I begin my decent to the front gate but pause.
"Becca wait." I say and embrace her in a devouring embrace.
"Thank you. I say and we pull apart.
"May we meet again."
"May we meet again." She repeats. I spin on my heals and hightail it to the front gates. And as my friend promised there a man waited to let me out. I give him a thankful nod and I do not stop running to my vehicle. As I approach my bronco I toss my bag beside it and unlock my trunk. As I fumble with my keys I see dozens of helicopters lift j to the air, then gun fire fills the air. I duck out of instinct though no one can see me weaved between my truck and the car behind me. I toss my duffle in the trunk, then my back pack. I grab a bottle of water from the case I had in my car and chug it. I close the trunk and fumble with the keys once more trying to unlock my driver side door. My hands won't stop shaking. Finally I get my key in the lock and twist opening my door. I take a deep and much deserved breath. More gun fire filled the air. I start my vehicle and punch it into drive. Stomping on the gas pedal I am off the premises in seconds. I look in my review mirror and see the place I've called home the past eleven days begin to glow in a red hue. God all mighty. I just hope Becca made it to one of those choppers in time. I turn my attention forward and reach for my phone and dial Allison's number. It rings a few times then she answers.
"Ashley? Oh my god is that you?"
"Yes, yes I'm fine. I'll be home in like 40 minutes." I say weirdly relaxed. I heard my sister take a deep, shakey breath.
"I saw it! They broadcasted it I thought you were dead!" Allison cry's out.
"Allison. I'm okay. I'm alive. We're going to be fine." I say trying to calm my distraught sister.
"What- go-ing on?" The phone line begins to break up.
Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep
The phone line went dead. Shit. I throw my my phone on the passenger seat and lay my led foot down. Traffic begins to build but I was still able to cruise home.

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