Chapter 35

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Kate was already showered and dressed. Everything was packed and ready to go. She sat down gingerly on her husband's side of the bed. She hated that she had to disturb him, so she'd waited until the last possible moment. Much like herself; Rick had been finding it difficult to get a good night's sleep over the last few weeks. Despite every effort on her part not to disturb him while she struggled to find a comfortable position, he always insisted on doing everything possible to comfort her. Even if it meant lying awake for hours rubbing her back, telling her stories, or just acting as her human body pillow; something he had become extremely skilled at.

Kate ran a gentle hand across his broad back.

"Hey Rick?" She whispered; he barely stirred. She nudged a little harder then slid her hand up to the back of his head; she traced the shell of his ear with her thumb. "Can you wake up for a sec?"

"Hmm?" Rick's eyes opened and closed a few times. "Kate?"

He was still pretty much out of it.

"Don't panic." Her voice was still a whisper; both because she didn't want to startle him, and because it was all she could manage at the moment.

Rick was up the instant the words left her mouth, the force of his movement almost bounced her from the mattress, but he managed to grab her by the forearms; he held her steadfast. "Wha-what's wrong?"

The crazy bedhead he was sporting somehow struck her funny as it played in contrast to the sheer terror in his eyes. She managed a quick chuckle, despite the cramp that was peaking across her midsection. With one hand tightly fisted in the material of his t-shirt; she used the other in a meager attempt to sooth away the ache.

Kate took in a cleansing breath and blew it out as the tightening slowly unwound and finally came to an end, albeit temporary. "Way to not panic there Castle."

"Not funny Kate!" He palpabled her belly as the cramping muscles eased. "How long; how far apart?"

"A few hours now and they run anywhere from ten to twelve minutes apart."

Rick glanced at the clock on the nightstand.

"Kate?" He cupped her face in his large hands and stroked her cheeks. "Why didn't you wake me sooner?"

"I wanted to be sure. Besides you need all the beauty rest you can get." She winked at him even as she ran her thumb over the worry lines that had settled between his eyes.

"And are you?"

"Am I what?"


Kate couldn't hold back the smile.

"Yeah, I'm sure..." She watched his eyes light up with excitement. "And if you tell anyone I said this I'll deny it, but I'm kinda scared shitless."

Kate sagged forwarded to rest her head against Rick's neck as he wrapped her in his arms.

"Right there with you, babe."

Kate breathed in a ragged breath and buried her face in the warmth of her husband's chest. She really was terrified. It didn't matter how many books she'd read, how much info the doctor had provided them, or how many times she was assured that childbirth was a natural process. Right now Kate felt like she was standing on the precipice of a great unknown, and the only thing keeping her from falling headlong into the abyss was the man currently holding her in a loving embrace.

They stayed like that for a few more minutes; tangled up, neither one willing to move beyond this moment. Both mentally preparing themselves, not only for what the next few hours held but for how much their lives were about to change. For the better if that was even possible.

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