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Here I will write my many endeavors of sleep paralysis. I will write dates times and descriptions of what happened, and my theories and explain my strong interest towards this subject.

First of all, most of the time that my sleep paralysis occurs is when I lay on my back, but can sometimes happen on my side too. I hear loud noises and can't move and these noises are really scary. Once I opened my eyes and seen a figure standing for a second. I'm hoping I will get the bravery to open my eyes more and see more things. I head that there's scary monsters but is okay once you pass that part.

From here on, I will write my experiences and research stuff. I hope you enjoy, I may also just write really cool dreams and lucid dream stuff too, so this book is also sort of liie a dream journal. Remember, I am still trying to experience and study this paralysis thing first-hand, I haven't even seen stuff yet, so try to bare with me and stuff. Also, If you have had these experiences, I wouldn't mind if you guys left a comment and shared your experiences. With that said, let's get this party started!

Oh, by the way, my name is Anessa Putnam-Brewer, I am a strange genderfluid furry who likes making music, art, and singing. I have an amazing mate also! (I LOVE YOU CEYSN HAWKES!) Anyways, if you don't know any of the bolded terms, I suggest you do research. I am too lazy to explain the terms. Anyways, enjoy people!

Exploring of My Mind: Sleep ParalysisWhere stories live. Discover now