What the Heck?

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I had the weirdest dream ever. I can't remember it all sadly, but I will do my best to remember. In my dream, there was black people. Everyone and or everything I knew was black.. (I'm not racist, I do not know why I dreamed this! I hope it's not considered racist :( ) Anyways, I think I might have dated a black person and I might have turned into a guy, and I think we had a party... I don't know, I wish I could remember my dream.. it was sooo cool and strange but interesting. I think we also had a date where we ate chicken, (I'm so sorry!)

This morning, I woke up for school but then fell asleep.. that is why I am here typing It. Also, in my sleep I've noticed that I can more and more everyday hear myself or feel myself talk or laugh in my sleep. I do not know, it's very strange. There's not much to write for this blog because sadly I cannot remember my dream, so for now I am going to keep it unpublished for a few more days until I have something to write..

OK, STILL NOTHING. I tried. This time I had a dream, I know Ceysn (my boyfriend) was in it, but I am not sure of what happened. But Ceysn told me a dream he had that was weird but interesting. So, I believe my house is haunted with ghosts in real life, but anyways, in the dream, he came to my house or something, but just as he came in, I yelled, "NO CEYSN, NO!" and just then, a giant black creature stabbed him with its claw. I have a creature who is black and huge in my huge brain of weirdness named Skullface, it's a demon, and I was wondering if this could be it. I am going to ask him about it. If it is, maybe the creature/demon thing could have been telling him something. I'm just going to copy and paste what he said from Facebook, I am too lazy to rewrite, so please forgive his grammar mistakes:

" it was large and had like... black leathery skin, it had next to no body hair but had large visible spines all over and had big red veins that were super visible, i couldn't see its head but its eyes were giving off large beams of red light that were really freaky... like a laser or something, it had a black smokey essence flowing from its skin, it didnt have any hands just long arms with big long spikes on the tips of each arm."

Skullface is similar to this, he has long arms with withery spike looking hands, black hidden face at times to looks scary, he is black and foggy, the red viens are like the bright orange on his sides. I told Ceysn this and here's what he also said:

" it moved so quickly, like it could teleport or something, it was so freaky the way the spikes made their way through my chest... the cut through me with ease and then it slowly picked me up off the ground and then just dropped me and left, maybe it was skullface, idk."

Skullface does have teleporting, well, fast flight and flash-step like abilities, and also telekinesis. And I have drawn Skullface ripping his long huge claws into the flesh of his prey so.. I don't know, he's a demon, who likes tortue, is all I know, from what I wrote down when feeling his presence flow in me. Maybe he was trying to tell Ceysn something, and it could be a theory to my angry moodiness and wanting to rebel amd acting unusual, I don't know... I don't know if you guys find this interesting, or even relevant to dreaming or anything, but this book is also on dream analysis, and it's also like a personal journal, so I'd like to share it. Besides, it's just theories, really weird theories. Sometimes I get too into this stuff, but oh well. I have nothing better to write about, because I keep forgetting my previous dreams, but hopefully something happens soon and I have a better part to write up next.

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