Chapter 3: New Friends.

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So what makes you think it's boys only, no girl's allowed.
And there's no way you can keep us out, you can't bring us down.
If I feel it burning in my core then I'll take that bright little spark and hold it tighter in my heart
Then all your little darts
If you say i'll never reach the moon, I'll send you a postcard soon.

-Postcard by Bridget Mendler


Camielle's POV:

“Whether you like it or not, you’re stuck here, babe.” Kyle said

“Why do you guys keep saying that? It’s not like I’m gonna be here forever. Wait…Ugh, someone care to enlighten me on what the hell is going here?” This has been getting on my nerves.

“Oh, I wish I could tell you. I really do. But this is not ours to tell.” Zoe said sympathetically. 

I don’t want her sympathy! I want damn answers! I thought crossly.

“Whose is it to tell?” I practically shouted.

“Lower your voice girly, we don’t want Xavier throwing another fit.” Kyle said, chuckling. 

Why does he seem to find serious situation either funny or amusing?

“Babe, this isn’t a serious situation,” Kyle said. 

Wait, what? Did I just say that aloud? Or did he read my mind? Seeing as the second option is impossible, I’ll go with the first one.

“What? Did I just say that aloud?!” I was pretty sure I hadn’t said that aloud.
“Uh... yes. Yes, you did.” Zoe said hesitantly, then turning towards Kyle and shooting him daggers. What the hell?

“Ugh, anyways, back to the topic. Tell me already why you keep saying I have to stay here.”

“Would you look at that, it’s nearly time for dinner. Let’s all go downstairs, mom and dad will want to meet you.” Zoe said, changing the topic. 

I stopped. What? Parents knew about this whole kidnapping situation and they were ok with it? Great parents. I voiced my thoughts.

“Uh…”  Zoe began but I had cut her off,

“And why would they want to meet me?” I was suddenly in a cranky mood, “And I’m not hungry anyway. I’m just going to go to bed.” I just wanted to go to sleep, wake up and realize that this was all just a dream, and just go back to my normal life. I wanted to have dinner at home with Carly, our house keeper. She was like another mother to me; she had been taking care of me since I was little. She used to stay at our house, and take care of me whenever my mom wasn’t home - she still did. I missed her too, a lot, already. 

 “No, come. You should eat something. You haven’t eaten for a long while.” Zoe insisted

“No, as I said I’m not hungry!” With that I got out of the room, and somehow managed to make my way back to the room I was in earlier after a lot of roaming around. I got comfortable in the bed and let my mind wander. My thoughts were broken when I heard a knock on the door. I didn’t want to talk to anyone. Nevertheless I slowly got up and went to open the door. I slowly cracked it open and saw Preston on the other side of the door.

“What do you want?” I asked

“To talk.” 


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