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All the women present drank Sierra's words. Her confession intensified the scent of romance already in the air.

"Aww, I can't. That's too cute," Elsa said and leaned her head to faint on Chloe's shoulder.

While the women got their dose of Sierra's novella, Jonas got feedback and another type of questionnaire.

"She's nice," Joshua said.

"She's tiny," Ulrich added.

"I knew something was going down between you two when I saw the photo on your phone screen," Lars ended.

"When is she leaving?" Asked Jonas' father.

"In two weeks," Jonas answered as he wiped the plates.

"What are you going to do?" Lars asked.

All knew Jonas was head over heels for the woman. None imagined them parting ways to live a flight round trip romance.


Jonas exposed his options to his father and brothers. He just had the time to finish when everyone came back inside.

"Where's Sierra?" He asked when he noticed she was absent.

"Leone wanted to stay out with the kids. Sierra prefers to watch him," Elsa explained.

Jonas stepped out and went to find them. Leone played, and Sierra stood following every one of the boy's moves.

Leone was genuinely happy, and though he barely knew the children, he tried to interact. Millie played the mother hen, who made sure he didn't wander off and made sure the dogs weren't too rough.



Her smile alone made the man blush.

"You don't need to stay him like this."

Sierra sighed; they were in a safe place, and still, she felt she had to be behind Leone, "I can't, I mean, I'm just used to being there for him."

"He's growing. He'll be needing us less," Jonas replied while he watched his son.

"I know," suddenly Sierra's gaze stopped behind Jonas, "what's that?"

"Oh, it's skogslönn, a Norway maple. We carve every couple's name with their children underneath. This house has been in the family since our birth. Our parents don't want to sell the house because of the tree. Lars broke up recently. Elsa might be on it soon if she decides to take things further with her girlfriend."

Sierra nodded, accepting the fact.

Jonas pursued, "Elsa has always been Queer, and we've always been okay with it. So there's never been any coming out or anything. She was afraid it might have shocked you, so she didn't invite her."

"I see." Sierra couldn't believe Jona's family level of cautiousness. "Jonas, please tell her I don't mind."

"I already did, but Elsa said since it was the first time, she preferred to do things this way."

Jonas didn't mention it, not wanting to create an awkward stance.

"My parent's first kiss was under this tree, and they've been together for forty-four years," the man pursued.

"That's just amazing."

Jonas shrugged, "society makes longevity in marriage seem like some exploit when it's just how it should be." He looked up at the tree and placed his hand on a free space on its trunk.


Time was precious, and Jonas didn't want to waste a second. It was now or never for the man.

"Yes, Jonas."

She was so beautiful, Jonas felt his breath hitch as though he saw her for the first time. His heart throbbed even harder and faster for her than before. It seemed the organ rhythm stepped up as soon as it knew Sierra reciprocated Jonas' feelings.

"Sierra," the man stepped up to her and got ready to take her hand when-.

"Mama," Leone trapped Sierra's leg in a hug."

The dogs and the other kids followed Leone, who giggled in euphoria.

"You're having fun, aren't you, Leone?" Sierra said and picked him up. He laid his head next to her shoulder.

"I think he's tired," Jonas said while thinking of the missed opportunity.

"Come, Leone," Millie said, stretching out her hand.

"He's tired, Millie. He'll play with you next time."

Millie's expression grew sad. She turned away and went to play with the twins, Linnea and Johan.

Jonas and Sierra reentered the house, where the rest of the family played a miming game. It was funny to see them trying to mime toilet paper or a light bulb.

Jonas leaned to whisper in her ear, "we should leave. Leone is falling asleep."

Sierra nodded.

The Potsmann were simple people. Sierra appreciated how they welcomed Leone and her.

Sierra intrigued them, and if she followed what each expressed, it was because Jonas never fought for anything in his entire existence. Thus they recognized she meant a lot to the man. His mother even admitted she suggested that Jonas find Sierra, but she didn't think he would actually do it.

And the kiss was an extreme pinnacle.

"Sierra, you know our address now come whenever," Sigrid said as she rocked Sierra in another affectionate hug before they left.

"Bye, Sierra," everybody went with their handshakes and hugs. The twins even kissed her, and Chloe offered to take her out while Jonas was at work.

One could say the family adopted her, and it relieved the woman.

Leone seduced everyone, and Sierra wondered if he knew they were his relatives. The boy quickly adapted and seemed fearless, if not to say confidently, in the new environment.

Again Sierra found herself questioning her departure for Paris.

They arrived at Jonas's apartment. Leone had played a lot, and Sierra wished to shower him, but he slept. Instead, she wiped and put him to sleep in a spare room. Jonas Stockholm's apartment was smaller. It had three bedrooms and two bathrooms. He only brought it because it was close to his office. Of course, Sierra slept in one of the guestrooms.

They both took a shower and met in the living room for a short debrief.



"Did you enjoy yourself?"

Sierra smiled, "It was fun; I'm happy to have met them. Everyone is so friendly, and Lars has a distinct sense of humor."

"He takes after my dad like Elsa. They're both very outgoing and carefree."

"I didn't think the kids would play so much with Leone, and Millie is amazing."

Jonas smiled, "she's the oldest of the grandchildren. Millie saw the other's birth and cared for each of them when they were little. She knows absolutely everything about her cousins."

"I can't believe she's eight. I was nowhere near as mature at her age," Sierra said as she saw her eight-year-old self sitting next to Cecile at church.

Jonas nodded, "she's a good kid. You don't need to worry about Leone when Millie is with the children. She loves playing, mom."

"I appreciated everyone's hospitality. I like your family a lot."

Sierra wanted to ask if Jonas thought she made a good impression but backed away, considering the question was odd.

Jonas smiled, "I'm sure they like you too. I adore you for sure," he said and grabbed Sierra in a suffocating hug.

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