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What seemed like an endeavor unfolded quicker than Sierra expected.

Jonas came back to France to help her prepare for the move. Farewells were heart-wrenching between sister and brother, even though everyone knew they would see each other again.

Life in Sweden was how Sierra had left it.

The Potsmann were just as sweet. Having them around was overwhelming. There wasn't a week where Sierra didn't meet up with at least one family member.

If Sierra feared the iron-fist mother-in-law as Mrs. Patel, she haunted her thoughts; Jonas's mother put her mind at ease. She helped Sierra and taught her more about Jonas. For there was another man, one the future bride had not yet met, a side of Jonas's personality that could startle her if she made the proper interpretation of his mother's words.

Sierra hesitated to ask whether it would be in a good way. The only change Sierra noted from the man's behavior was the affection and attention that heightened.

Their relationship was still platonic. Finally, however, the couple spoke, and both admitted having a certain apprehension.

They were both eager, Jonas more than Sierra. Still, he observed how the woman stopped the momentum anytime the heat rose. He had a rough idea of what tormented her.


Jonas didn't forget Cecile either but preferred moving forward and focusing on his living love than dwelling on the past. He could only imagine how Sierra dealt with everything.

Sierra would have all of Ceciles' gems by sharing Jonas' bed. Leone and Jonas' love and the reality still weighed on her morale from time to time.

The woman figured the sentiment would never go away and ironically hoped the feeling would stay to remind her how lucky she was.

So sex remained on the back burner. For Jonas, who already spent most of the year in a waiting stance, it did not change a thing. Meditation helped him calm the heatwaves. He even liked the idea of a memorable first night during their honeymoon, and he didn't mind being tagged hopeless romantic by his brothers.

Now, the couple was forty-eight hours from their wedding. Jade, May, and Jacob were arriving that afternoon, while Dima would come the next day from London.

Sierra entered her room after taking her shower. Her bed immediately captured her attention. She approached picked up the pile of envelopes. The woman gasped as she recognized her handwriting and hurried to the living room.

"Jonas, what's this? I mean, these are my letters. How come you have them?"

The time had come, they were to be husband and wife, and Jonas wished there to be not even a butterfly wing flutter that could cause havoc.

"Ceciles' lawyer transferred them to me. I don't know what intent Cecile had. I imagine she wanted me to know the person she gave Leones' custody to, but for me, these letters paved the way to you."

Sierra placed a hand on her forehead for a few seconds before crossing her arm, "Jonas, I can't believe it. You knew I was looking for them, and you kept quiet when you had them all along; why?"

The man shrugged, "I don't know. I just felt close to you when I read them," the man released a tiny chuckle, "they comforted me. At one point, I even thought I was in love with you because of them, but it's not the letters. They were just a medium maybe, but I know I fell in love with the woman I met."

Sierra chased away the mixed feelings before they began to swell and bubble. She sighed, "why give them to me now?"

Jonas approached Sierra and held her by the shoulders, "because I don't want any lie or secret between us. Big or small, I don't desire the foundations of our marriage to shelter the slightest myth or mirage. I wish you to know I'm marrying you for who you are, not who you were, and I already love the woman you'll be tomorrow. "

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