Chapter 13

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"It gets me every time."

The Castle's were seated side by side while Kate watched the sunset from the open air restaurant. Eventhough the resort was a well known destination for couples it also catered to families, and on any other day it would be perfectly normal to have children of all ages running around the common areas or playing on the beach. However, with it being Valentine's Day, the Canoehouse was hosting a special couples only evening for romance seeking guests. Rick was still working on his portion of the Chataeubriand for two; Kate's was long gone as was the remainder of the bread and his portion of the asparagus he refused to eat.

"Breathtaking, I know."

Rick gives her a wink as she slowly shifted her eyes from the horizon to him. As usual, he had no desire to watch anything but his wife. He had seen sunsets, had seen sunrises, had seen waves crashing against the shore. None of those things held a candle to Katherine Beckett. Kate softly nudged his thigh and rested her head on his shoulder. Rick had expected a poke or a smack, maybe even a comment about his corny remark. He certainly didn't expect to see a doe-eyed look on her face or hear the soft sigh escape her perfect lips. His heart fluttered knowing he could do that to her, or maybe it was Kate that did it to him.

"Is it present time yet?" Rick puts his fork down and slid the box toward her, sliding it along the white linen tablecloth.

Kate sat up and glared at the perfectly wrapped package. She had helped Rick unpack from his business trip and repack for vacation. She was aware of every item in his suitcase so whatever the gift was, it hadn't flown with them from New York. She'd spotted it as soon they entered the restaurant earlier in the evening. Their reservations had been made a few days ago so somehow in true Castle style he had managed to have the item waiting for them.

"I'm still mad you know?"

"I know." Rick scooted the box closer, known the scolding she gives him while they ate their salads was the extent of her resistance.

"At least it's not jewelry." The size of the box alone made that fact quite clear, but Rick's raised eyebrow still had her playing along. "Unless it's a replica of Wilma Flintstone's famous baubles."

"How'd you guess?" Rick laughed and kissed Kate's temple. "Just open it."

Kate did as he asked and gently unwrapped the present. The box was not quite a cube; it measured about ten inches by ten with a height of about seven inches. The paper was a beautiful pearlescent pink and the ribbon white. Once all the trappings were removed she was surprised and delighted to find a camera enclosed. It was the exact model they had decided on weeks ago but just hadn't taken the time to pick up yet. One thing Kate was insistent on was that cameraphone pictures were not an acceptable way of recording the lives of their children.

"See, it really isn't a present." Rick was smugly proud of himself for technically not breaking his promise of no gifts.

They had both agreed that the trip in itself would suffice.

"If it comes with wrapping and a bow it's gift." A flash of guilt registered on her face. "I didn't get you anything."

Rick again kissed her temple and without removing his lips said. "You're all the gift I need."

Kate's head dipped but not before he saw the slight squint and the very brief nibble of the inside of her cheek. It was so quick; a micro-expression even, but he saw it nonetheless, just a result of how closely he always watched her. Not because he doubted her or feared his words would push her away, but because she was his and he wanted to know every intimate detail. To his surprise, before he could even ask, she was speaking.

"All the time I spent fighting this... us." She motioned between their bodies before covering his hand as it rested high on her thigh. "I always said it was because I didn't need anybody; that I couldn't possibly find peace and wholeness in another human being."

Kate slowly rubbed her free hand up and down his forearm; the move provided a little time to gather her thoughts.

"Looking back, that wasn't exactly it. Well that was part of it but not all." She said.

Kate could tell by the expectant look on his face that Rick's Jedi mind tricks were failing him. For once he hadn't already figured out what she was going to say.

"I was mostly afraid of being that for someone else; of being someone's..." She struggled with the words, she wasn't a craftsman like he was. "Your everything."


Of course he wanted her to elaborate.

"Afraid I'd disappoint you, I guess." Kate tried to duck her head again.

She didn't like showing fear to anyone, even him.

His next words alone forced her to look up but the sincerity in his whispered voice broke her heart. "Not even possible."

"Why?" Her question mirrored his from only moments ago.

"'To the world you may be one person, but to one person you are the world.' You're my world Kate."

"That doesn't answer the question." They were both well aware of that fact. "How can I not disappoint you, at least sometimes? It's not possible, I'm not perfect."

"Not perfect, but perfect for me." That earned him a jab to the rib but he continued. "Think about all that the world has to offer. Yes, there's sadness and hurt and disappointment but there's so much more than that; think about its jaw-dropping beauty and source of endless fascination, both of which you possess. So to me, you are the world."

Her eyes again fell to the panorama of colors beyond the dark expanse of ocean. Kate placed her lips to his upper arm, it wasn't really a kiss, just where she landed while trying to absorb his meaning. Rick caressed her cheek and smoothed the loose strands of hair that the cool breeze had blown from her bun. His thumb caught the curling corner of her mouth even as she tried to hide it behind his shoulder. She kissed the pad and nodded to his unfinished plate. She tucked herself a little further between him and the booth; she rested her cheek against him while he finished his meal. The warmth that spread throughout her body was only partially due to their proximity. The rest was the result of his words, of his love, of his devotion. How he managed to do it to her everytime, she would never know, but she never wanted the feeling to end.

"You're my universe." Kate whispered.

She could not say it, but a small part of her did wish the words would be muffled in the soft material of his shirt; vulnerability was also still hard for her. As Rick raised his arm to wrap it around her shoulders she knew he had heard her.

"Always gotta out do me, huh?"

Kate pressed her lips to his. There was an urgency to it that told him they were sudden feeling he was dessert.

"Take me back to our room and I'll give you the chance to undo me."

"See, not all gifts have to come with a bow."

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