New Year, New Us

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Chapter 11

Ren's POV

I slip my jacket on as I head out to my car. I started it fifteen minutes ago so when I get in, it's nice and warm. A few minutes later. Futaba runs to the car, almost slipping on some ice. I stifle back a laugh as climbs in, shivering. "It's so cold today." She says, putting her seatbelt on. I put the car in drive and pull out of the driveway. "It's snowing again." She says, looking out the window. I smile.

"Yeah, it's nice. Would have been nice to have a white Christmas." I say as we stop at a red light. "What is your new year's resolution?" She pushes her glasses on her face and shrugs.

"When mom was still around, we used to do a thing called a promise list." She looks down at her hands. "I want to make another one and then at the end of it, treat myself for it." I nod as the light turns green and I step on the gas.

"What about you?" She asks. I glance at her. What about me? I shrug my shoulders.

"To be a better person then I was last year. Be true to myself and my feelings. No more hiding anymore." She smirks.

"So, does that mean you're gonna tell Nabi you like her then." Honestly, I've been debating if it's the right thing to do. She is dating Moonbin and I would rather not start the year with another black eye. My feelings however are getting stronger and stronger each day. Will I be able to keep my mouth shut for much longer? She sits back in her seat. "I still can't believe you and Makoko broke up." I sigh. Makoko took the breakup pretty well. A lot better than me, who's been regretting it ever since I did it.

"I don't know." I say honestly. I see her school coming up and I slow to stop in front of it. She pushes her glasses onto her face.

"Well, whatever you do. I hope you get the results you're looking for." She turns to look at me. "See ya after school." She gets out the car, closing the door behind her. I drive off and head to my school. Results I'm looking for huh? If I tell her how I feel, what will happen? Will things change? I doubt it. She'll still be with Moonbin and I'll be alone. I pull into the parking lot and turn my car off. I take a deep breath before getting out. I watch Nabi walk up to the school gates, shaking her head of snow as she approaches the front door. I want to throw my hand up and wave but Rocky and Jinwoo are at her sides, talking to her. I put my hand down. Nothing is gained without effort. I have to at least try. I jog over to them and tap Nabi on the shoulder. She turns around and smiles but stops when she sees me. Rocky and Jinwoo glance at each other before looking at me.

"Happy new year!" I shout. They all just stare at me. This is awkward.

"Happy new year Ren." Nabi says. I smile at her and she looks at the ground.

"Nabi!" Moonbin calls. I watch as he dashes pass me. He wraps his arm around her and pulls her close to him. "Good morning my butterfly." He says, kissing her lips quickly. Rocky smirks as he sees the tight look on my face. Moonbin glances at me. "Can we help you?" I want to say yes. I want to tell him that he doesn't deserve Nabi. That she deserves better. That she deserves me.

"No." I say. I walk pass them and head inside. So much for your resolution Ren.

Well, that was random. What was that about? Moonbin slings his arm over my shoulders as we walk into school. Moonbin's hair looks even better in person. He used a hard pink, but it looks soft in the light. I put my right arm around his waist, and he looks down at me. "Your hair is so cute." He says. I look up at him and smile.

"I can say the same thing about your hair. It came out so perfect. It's officially my new favorite color on you." He laughs and we stop at his locker.

"I did do a pretty good job." Rocky says, looking at his fingers and blowing on them. I roll my eyes as he stomps his foot. "I did dye his hair though. Give me some credit." I sigh as Moonbin moves away so he can open his locker.

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