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deadly games❝separation❞

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deadly games

  THE FIRST TIME THE KING OF SPADES MADE AN APPEARENCE TOOK EVERYBODY OFF GUARD. It was a game with no rules, no time limit and no game arena. The mysterious man was terrorizing without any remorse the players all around Tokyo. Whenever the blimp dragging the card was coming closer, the urge to start running became bigger. No one had a plan how he could be defeated. Or if he could be.

Chishiya had a neutral look on his face while sitting down on your armchair — obviously still not caring if the King of Spades was going to get him killed this time. And Keiju looked just as alarmed as you, which could be the most normal reaction in such a situation.

"Are you seriously sitting right now? When that tank man is approaching?" you asked Chishiya, starting to feel like you were suffocating.

"How would he know that we're in this exact apartment?" Chishiya asked and you gave him a look.

"The same way he could notice our every little movement. That guy is no joke, Chishiya."

"She's got a point." Keiju commented on your interaction.

"Your opinion isn't valid." Chishiya rudely said.

Keiju came off as a threat to Chishiya, for some reason. It was unsettling, because the blonde has never felt this way before when it came to someone. No matter what he said, it annoyed Chishiya and he had a strong need of contradicting him even when he was right.

"As long as he knows that I'm right, I think it's valid." while looking at Keiju, you continued. "Have you faced the King of Spades yet?"

"Yes and if someone wouldn't have pushed me out of his way, I would be dead now."

Your expression softened after hearing his words and it didn't go unnoticed by Chishiya. He noticed everything, moreover when it came to you. The sudden connection you seemed to have formed with Keiju in such a short time was making the blonde feel like he was out of the equation. It was the first time he didn't like the feeling of not belonging.

"What a shame." Chishiya said looking at the blimp through the window. "I think it's pretty interesting. The second stage and how the King of Spades made his first appearence."

"Don't tell me you're actually enjoying this, Chishiya." you turned your attention to him. The blonde was still laying on your armchair, like he had no worries.

"If I say that I don't, it'd be a lie. Do you want me to lie to you, girlfriend?" he accentuated the last word, knowing exactly how it irked you every single time. This time you didn't want to let him get what he wanted.

𝑫𝑬𝑨𝑫𝑳𝒀  𝑮𝑨𝑴𝑬𝑺 | 𝑐ℎ𝑖𝑠ℎ𝑖𝑦𝑎 𝑥 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟.Where stories live. Discover now