forty nine.

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deadly games❝red stains❞

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deadly games
red stains

FRIENDSHIP WAS PROBABLY THE MOST VALUABLE THING YOU COULD COME UP WITH. Friends are your chosen family, not the one you're born into. That's what you liked most about it and that's the reason it became so important to you. Especially after having to go through such a toxic group of friends at the age of only fifteen. After what happened then, you carefully chose who you should keep around and you were proud of the choice you made.
  Those three guys that always lightened you up would never be a regret.

  Arisu looked the same as you left him. Quite uncertain, but ready for anything. The way he was now armed also told you that he probably went through the same high difficulties that you faced.
  As Arisu noticed the source that got his attention, his eyes landed on the other person, hand in hand with Chishiya. You. An uncontrolable smile broke out on Arisu's face, seeing how his only best friend left, has found the happiness deserved.

  "Fancy meeting you here." Chishiya continued while walking closer.

  "Y/N, Chishiya." it was all Arisu could say, since he was still a little surprised.

  After you gave Chishiya a side glance, you let go of his hand in order to walk faster to your best friend. When you found yourself in front of him, you hugged him with all the force you had inside of you.

  "Hey, Arisu." you said drowning your face on his shoulder.

  "Hi, I was so worried." he said beginning to move his hand on your back in a comforting way. The emotional moment was suddenly interrupted by Chishiya clearing his throat.

  "There are only two games left. I had a pretty good hunch that you were probably still alive."

  "Yeah, he was the one that kept reassuring me that you're most probably fine." you said remembering everytime you brought it up.

  Then, a silence acaparated your surroundings. You could feel some tension in the air, which was probably the unresolved stuff that happened between them a while ago. Even though Arisu was rooting for your happiness with him, he was still quite skeptical. He had every reason to.

  "What?" Arisu asked Chishiya. "Is that the only thing you've gotta say?" you decided it would be best to keep quiet from now on, since it was starting to become something that could only be resolved between them.

Deciding to go a little further away from them was also a good idea that you've made. You could settle to watch them interact from the distance, just making sure they won't be at each other's throats was enough.

  "So?" was all Chishiya could muster up to say after you distanced yourself.

  "Nothing. It's just... You're a lot less grumpy now. I assume it's thanks to Y/N." Arisu pointed out at you with his eyes and Chishiya laughed in a non-mean way.

𝑫𝑬𝑨𝑫𝑳𝒀  𝑮𝑨𝑴𝑬𝑺 | 𝑐ℎ𝑖𝑠ℎ𝑖𝑦𝑎 𝑥 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟.Where stories live. Discover now