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"Build this place up"

Rick and Michonne arrive at Hilltop and Maggie hugs Michonne while Jane walks up to Rick who has grief written all over his face. "I'm so sorry" Jane whispers before she pulls Rick into a hug, which he returns before he reunites with Judith. "Hey..." Michonne greets as she walks over to Jane and Jane pulls her into a welcoming hug.

A few hours later once everyone was settled in, Maggie and Rosita took watch at the gate. Maggie peers through binoculars and spots a mysterious crate in the distance. "Jane!" Maggie calls out from her outpost and Jane starts walking towards the gate while Maggie and Rosita climb down from the outpost. "There's something out there" Rosita says and Jane furrows her eyebrows before Rosita went to retrieve the mystery item.

Rosita retrieves the crate and gives Maggie the attached note, which offers them a "key to your future" in exchange for food and records. The note includes coordinates for a meeting point. Jane looks in the truck if the car seeing what was in the crates. "It's food.. supplies" Jane says as she looks to Maggie. "It's not the Saviors. They'd blow through the gates, make a big show. This isn't that" Michonne states and Jane turns her attention to Michonne.

"This could still be a trap. Someone trying to lure us in" Jane argues. "Yeah, and I wouldn't put something like this past the Saviors" Maggie states and Rosita shrugs her shoulders. "If it is a trap, it's kind of obvious" Rosita states and Jane nods in agreement. "Which is what could make it a trap" Maggie points out. "What if... What if it's someone who actually wants to help?" Michonne asks and Jane scoffs.

"I'm sorry but I don't see why anyone would help us in a time like this" Jane states as she locks eyes with Michonne. "We can be careful" Michonne suggests. "Being careful is staying here" Enid argues as she rests her arms across her chest. "I'll go and see what's up" Michonne suggests and Jane sighs. "You go, I go" Rosita agrees. "Rick wants us here" Enid states and Michonne nods, knowing what Rick's orders were.

"But the last time we took a chance like this, it changed everything. Rick didn't agree with me then. He may not understand me now" Michonne states and Jane sighs, "You know he won't" Jane says as she rests her body on the car. "Eventually he will" Michonne says as she starts to walk away. "Jesus and the other have been out scavenging and we're still starving. Maybe this person does have something that can help" Maggie states as she looks over at Jane who slowly forms a smile on her face, "No harm in finding out" Jane says and Enid scoffs.

"Then I'm coming too" Enid states and Maggie and Jane agree. "I'll grab records, case this is real" Maggie says before she checks the clip in her gun and widens her eyes at the sight. "We need extra clips in case it isn't" Maggie says and Enid nods her head before she runs off to grab extra clips for the group.

Michonne, Jane, Maggie and Enid drive to the designated meeting spot and find two women waiting by a van. A third woman wearing a suit steps out and introduces herself as Georgie and her bodyguards Hilda and Midge. "And you are?" She asks and Jane clears her throat as she continues to grip her gun in her hand. "Suspicious but curious enough to see what I have to offer for food and music. I do hope the record are music. I don't accept spoken word. If you're out here, you know you can take care of yourselves, and I like that" Georgie explains and goes on to say that she can give Maggie and Jane valuable knowledge in exchange for food and records.

Rosita comes out of the woods with a gun pointed towards Georgie and her people. Jane, Maggie and Enid lift their guns up and point them at Georgie and her people showing her that they are out numbered. "Enid" Maggie calls out and Enid walks over to them with Rosita and takes their weapons. "Now, just give us what you have" Jane orders as she grips her gun tightly in her hand while pointing it straight at Georgie. "I'm afraid I can't do that" Georgie declares and Jane furrows her eyebrows.

"Like I said. I come bearing knowledge to trade essential knowledge for the future, primarily in my head, and uh— I prefer to keep that where it is" Georgie states and Jane notices she's not afraid at 4 guns pointed at her and her people, with the knowledge that Jane and the rest of them could shoot her people at any moment in time. "You mean to tell me you come... trading knowledge?" Jane wonders confusingly and Georgie nods her head. "That's what I have. I've made the same offer before. Fill the crates, give the knowledge simple as that. It's not a trick, just a fair trade. I promise" Georgie says and Jane scoffs. "You shouldn't make promises you can't keep" Jane declares and Georgie shrugs her shoulders. "Lucky for you... I keep all my promises" Georgie responds and Jane narrows her eyes at Georgie.

"Rosita.. check the van" Jane orders and Rosita does as she's told and starts to look through the van. "What's in there isn't part of the deal" Georgie states and Jane chuckles humorlessly. "I don't remember there being one" Jane says strictly. "How many communities have you found?" Rosita asks as she pulls her gun on them again. "Communities like yours? Not many at all. And not one for a very long time. What you have is special and unusual" Georgie declares and Jane slowly starts to lower her gun while Georgie speaks.

"We can make a deal" Michonne whispers as she walks up beside Jane. "I don't think we can" Jane declares as she looks over at Michonne. "I want these people and that van to come back with us to Hilltop. Now" Jane orders as she holsters her gun and walks back towards the car.

Back at Hilltop, Rosita and Enid guard Georgie, Hilda and Midge while Maggie and Jane stand in their office before Michonne burst in, "We should make the deal and let them go before the Saviors get here" Michonne suggests immediately and Jane shakes her head. "No. We can't let her go. Look at what they have... we need that" Jane states referring to what they had in the van and the things they gave them in the crates.

"People here will be starving soon. I agree with Jane" Maggie states as Enid walks in and agrees with both Jane and Maggie. "We take their stuff. Otherwise, someone else will. Someone else will kill them. It's a miracle they're still alive, anyways" Enid argues before she steps towards Michonne and Jane furrows her eyebrows. "The Saviors are on their way. We're gonna fight and some of us will die, so why should we give a shit about people who don't give a shit about themselves?" Enid wonders angrily and Jane and Maggie lock eyes understanding her anger especially since the news about Carl.

"Carl rescued Siddiq, and now we have a doctor, and we have a friend" Michonne declares as she looks Enid up and down and notices the gun in her hand and slowly retrieves it from her. "Carl was brave" Michonne states and Jane sighs, knowing she's right and Carl would want to let these people go peacefully. Even Glenn would...

"And now he's dead" Enid states as tears fill her eyes. Jane notices Michonne's whole demeanor change so she grabs Enid's arm and bends down to her ear. "Get out and take a breather" Jane whispers while Enid continues to look into Michonne's eyes. Jane let's go of Enid and Enid stomps out of the office and leaves the building. Michonne begins to argue that Carl wanted them to be better people and Maggie and Jane reflect on this.

Maggie gives Georgie a crate of food and record albums, and Georgie reciprocates with a sizable portion of the food in her van, having seen the desperate state of Hilltop and knowing that it needs the supplies more than she does. She hands Jane a binder full of plans for windmills, water mills and other schematics to help create a community, the key to a future that she had been talking about. "Build this place up," she urges Maggie and Jane.


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