1. there is a half-empty ache in your soul.
2. your mouth turns dry as you watch him move. you wonder what it will be like to kiss him. his blossom-soft lips sweet on yours, glistening with madness...
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Amelia left Atticus alone after their conversation.
Atticus felt bad for snapping at her friend but she just couldn't help it. Amelia just kept on and on about it all. And once she had brought up the boy's name that had broken her heart almost 4 months ago, she couldn't help but snap.
Atticus shook her head at the thought as she let out a huff of air that turned into fog against the cold night air of Bar Harbor as she walked to the record store she worked at.
Once she had reached the small store, she quickly opened the door and stepped inside the warm store.
"Ah! Good evening Atticus!" A voice called out from in front of her.
She turned her head and smiled at the older man that was stacking vinyls on one of the shelves that was placed in one of the corners of the store.
"Good evening Mr. Edwards."
Mr. Edwards was a dark skinned man in his late 70s. His brown eyes always seemed to hold a smile in them whenever you looked at them. He had offered the job to Atticus the next day he saw her walk by the store looking at the help wanted posted in the shop's front window a few months ago.
It had only been him and his wife working the store for years but she had unfortunately passed the year prior so he was looking for some help to run the store.
The only people who worked there were Atticus, Mr. Edwards, and a tall lanky boy with blonde messy curls named Donny. But they all seemed to manage quite nicely with one another.
"How are you doing today Mr. Edwards?" Atticus asked as she walked to the front counter while taking off her coat and placing it on the coat rack that was placed against the wall.
"Oh, you know. The best I can with this cold weather." He replied with a warm chuckle. Atticus let out a laugh in response.
"And how are you doing today Atticus?" He asked as he placed the last vinyl on the shelf and moved to the cases that were placed in the middle of the room.
"I'm doing pretty good. Just going to class and going home. The usual." She replied as she made sure everything was in place for her for tonight's business.
Mr. Edwards nodded his head in response as he looked through the cases of vinyls.