1. there is a half-empty ache in your soul.
2. your mouth turns dry as you watch him move. you wonder what it will be like to kiss him. his blossom-soft lips sweet on yours, glistening with madness...
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It'd been two days after Atticus, Amelia, and Dylan had been to Caeles.
Atticus was dreading going to classes that Monday but she had something to look forward to.
She stopped walking as she turned to see the girl in question.
"Tara! Hey." Atticus smiled as Tara caught up to her.
Tara was dressed in a floral skirt with a white long sleeved button up shirt that was tied in the front to make it look like a cropped shirt. She was also sporting a pair of white platform boots. She had her hair split down the middle with the front two pieces hanging in two braids.
"Is it ok if we walk together? I think Kat and Dev are already inside." Tara said while adjusting her bag on her shoulder.
Atticus shook her head as she replied, "No, it's fine with me."
As the two girls began to walk towards the lecture hall, a silence filled the space around them.
"So," Tara was the first to break it. Atticus turned her head slightly to show that she was listening.
"Did you like the show Friday?" Tara continued
"Yeah, it was good." Atticus replied as she nodded her head.
"Are you coming again tonight?"
Atticus scrunched her brows in confusion as she turned her attention to Tara.
Tara nodded her head as she replied, "Yeah, what? Did you think open mic was one night a week?"
"No, I thought it was only on Fridays."
"That's for the bands. But during the week, solo artists can perform. Like singers, guitarists, pianists, and drummers. We've even had some violinist play as well." Tara replied with a laugh.
"I'll have to think about it. It really depends on this class." Atticus replied as she and Tara reached the lecture hall.
Tara scrunched her brows as she asked, "Why? Just do it later. We only have him twice a week. Today and Friday."
"True." Atticus said quietly as she nodded her head.
Once the two entered the lecture hall, Tara turned her head to her left as she looked on the back row. She quickly gasped and grabbed Atticus arm and dragged her towards the back row.
Atticus let out a gasp and stumbled at the sudden action.
"Dev! Kat!" Tara squealed.
Atticus turned her head to see the two girls from the other night.
"Tara!" The girls squealed back.
They then turned their attention to Atticus, who was standing awkwardly next to the shorter girl.
"Oh!" Tara quickly said as she turned her attention to Atticus.
"Dev, Kat. This is Atticus. Atticu, this is Devyn and Katrina." Tara stated while pointing towards the girls.
Katrina had black hair that faded into pink that was pulled up into a half up half down style with the two front pieces pulled out to frame her face and she wore a green long sleeved button up shirt that was tucked into a green and white plaid skirt. She smiled up towards the two girls. While Devyn had brown hair that had the front two sections pulled back and pinned to the side of her head. She wore a plaid dress with a long sleeved collared shirt underneath.
"Nice to meet you both." Atticus said as she smiled towards the two.
"You too." They replied as they smiled up at her.
Tara quickly shoved Atticus in the seat next to Kat as she placed herself in the other seat on the right.
"She was the girl I was telling you about the other night." Tara stated as she pulled her notebook and pen out of her bag.
The girls nodded their heads in understanding.
"So," Devyn started as the other three girls turned their attention to her.
"Are you guys excited about tonight?"
"Hell yeah! It's going to be great!" Katrina squealed out.
The other girls laughed at her reaction.
"The open mic?" Atticus asked as she opened her notebook to a clean page.
"Yeah. It's going to be a lot of fun. There's going to be a lot of interesting people there." Devyn said as she looked at Atticus.
"I'm not sure. It depends on if I don't have homework for this class." Atticus stated as she fiddled with her pen.
Devyn and Katrina looked at each other and let out giggles as they turned back to Atticus.
"Are you serious?" Katrina asked with a smile.
"Yeah?" Atticus replied with confusion.
"Atticus, just come tonight and we'll help you with the homework." Devyn said as she smiled at the girl.
"Are you sure?" Atticus said as she looked at the girls.
Katrina placed her hand on Atticus's arm as she spoke, "Atticus, don't worry about it. We've got you."
The girl looked down at her notebook in thought as she went over all the possibilities of what could happen if she went and of all the possibilities of what would happen if she didn't go.
'Why not'
"Ok," She turned her attention back towards the girls.