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Chapter 51: I Will Gamble With You

"That's right." The men dressed in black looked at his phone before answering. "Mr. Chi Yue seems to care a lot about the person operating the casino."

Yu Shijin slightly raised his chin, his features looking especially distinct under the dim light.

"So, the person from the Underground Casino..." The man dressed in black secretly took a glance at the rearview mirror.

The mirror showed a cold and stiff face whose thin lips were pursed.

He looked elegant yet cold at the same time.

The man dressed in black instinctively lowered his head down.

Yu Shijin did not retract his gaze and continued staring at the alley.

He could see the smile on the girl's face who was standing at the back. It was a cold yet dangerous smile.

Standing under the sunlight, she seemed a little casual. Her slender figure looked as beautiful and as smooth as those drawn on paintings.

And for a long time, Yu Shijin stared at the cold smile on Su Huiqing's face before he retracted his gaze. "No need. Let's go."

"What?" The man dressed in black was a little stumped. "That's..."

"I said no need." Yu Shijin raised his eyes and said that in a stiff tone of voice, causing the surrounding atmosphere to turn tense.

The man dressed in black immediately stepped on the gas and the car left with a loud screech.

"Wait a minute... Why do I feel like this Miss Su seems a little familiar..."


"If you want to save Gu Yihai, pass fifty million yuan to Brother Wei at the Underground Casino." The white man blocking Gu Li's way watched the black car disappear from the alley and his expression changed. He slightly raised his hand and stopped his men from going forward.

"But you can choose not to come, too." The white man lit a cigarette and raised his eyes to meet Gu Li's eyes. "That is if you want to wait and collect your uncle's dead body afterward."

After he had said his piece, he left with his men.

Only Huang Mao stayed behind.

Yu Xiangyang scratched his head. "Aish, why didn't you leave just like you said you would... Shit!"

Huang Mao kneeled down with a thud. "My goodness, I really didn't extort money from anyone this time. I didn't know that Gu Li is your friend..."

The whole alley fell into silence.

Huang Mao, who was acting all mighty and arrogant earlier on, suddenly seemed like a deflated balloon now.

Even Gu Li was still stunned by the situation.

Someone finally broke the silence, and the voice sounded rather laid back. "Enough."

With lowered eyes, Su Huiqing walked towards them without a change in expression.

When Yu Xiangyang thought she was about to walk past Huang Mao, she suddenly stopped in front of the man. She bent down slightly and in a deep voice, she said, "Tell me. Why did those people from the Underground Casino want to find Gu Li for?"

Although her voice was deep, it did not hide the coldness in it.

Huang Mao trembled but he came clean about it.

Well, the situation was simple. Gu Li's uncle, Gu Hai, was an avid gambler.

As such, he owed the casino a large sum of money and the casino only gave him a week to pay it for. With that said, it was already the last day of the week.

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