Chapter 21-25

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Chapter 21: Do You Have Any More Inquiries?

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

The Yu Residences.

Yu Xiangyang held his phone and stared at the stock prices of Heng Guang Electronics.

He still remembered Su Huiqing's prophecy. She said that the stock prices of Heng Guang Electronics would fall.

However, the price of Heng Guang Electronics' stocks went up the moment the stock exchange market opened.

The candlestick charts were also rising quick and the trade volume reached a new high again!

Yu Xiangyang felt a little skeptical. Could Su Huiqing just be lucky? But it did not seem like it either.

Just then, the candlestick charts reached a turning point!

"What the heck! We will make it big now!" Yu Xiangyang could not help but jump in happiness, causing his phone to drop onto the ground. With his face full of shock, he exclaimed, "It hit the limit down!"

That legendary idiot, who knew nothing about business, predicted it correctly?

At the same time, those people who were watching the stocks were also taken aback.

That included Xie Zhengyuan.

"Did it hit the limit down?" The middle-aged man beside Xie Zhengyuan looked at the screen. "It's probably a new guy. He predicted it correctly."

"No." Xie Zhengyuan lit a cigarette and showed the operation records to him. "That person only did five transactions in twenty minutes. This definitely isn't the work of a newbie."

He looked at the operation records and widened his eyes. "This is..."

"Even if it is someone from the International Association, there aren't many who can do this." Xie Zhengyuan lightly tapped onto his cigarette. "Do you still remember the stock market crash eight years ago?"

1'Eight years ago?' The middle-aged man froze. He clearly could not recall what had happened eight years ago.

Xie Zhengyuan glanced at him and typed a sentence on his computer.

[There's something I would like to confirm, can you add me as a friend?]

It was a short-term investment, yet the investor did it without a hint of sloppiness. The investor only needed to do one move and it was enough to stun the other party. There aren't many who could pull off such a technique.

Especially that ID. Xie Zhengyuan's eyes darkened.

The Su Residences.

With steam filling the bathroom, Su Huiqing sat in the bathtub. Smoke rose from the water towards her head.

Her breathing was very faint yet well-regulated.

The brown liquid in the bathtub slowly turned clear.

1"Missy." Uncle Chen's voice could be heard outside. "It's time to eat."

She suddenly opened her eyes and her pitch-black orbs flickered under the light.

She stood and wrapped a towel around herself. After she had cleaned up, she took a blouse to wear.

She buttoned her shirt with her slender fingers and narrowed her eyes. It seemed that she still needed a few more days before she could level up.

But she didn't have an ample amount of medicinal herbs left. If she wanted to level up without risk, she would need more medicinal herbs.

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