Chapter 13 The End for a Hero

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Lia ran into the bathroom and helped me up. "Rhys, are you ok?! What the hell happened?!", she yelled and asked at the same time. "Yeah I'm fine, I just don't know where I got this huge claw mark", I said while rubbing my face. "Do you think it was Kaori?", Lia asked. "Maybe I'll ask her when she wakes up", I said and put medicine on the cut. I heard footsteps get closer to my room before hearing knocking on the door. I opened it and saw Diana and Kaori standing there. "RHYS, WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO YOUR FACE?!", they both asked and yelled at the same time. "Well, I think Kaori may have scratched me when we were sleeping. Maybe she had a nightmare or something", I explained. Kaori started to tear up and her ears went down. "Rhys, I'm so sorry, please don't be mad at me!", she yelled while crying. "Hey it's ok, I promise I will be fine, it's just a tiny scratch", I said while patting her head. "Rhys, it's a cut that goes diagonally on your face", Diana said while drinking a juice box. I glared at her and stopped patting Kaori. "Hey Rhys, your mom is here, she wants to see you", Sammy said. "Hey honey, how are you?", my mother asked as she hugged me. "I'm fine mom", I said while I was a little embarrassed. My mother said down as I was making tea for both of us. "So, Rhys, the reason I am here is because before your father died he wanted you to have something", she said as she held a flat box on her lap. She handed it to me and I opened it. It was a scar with a tiny lightning symbol on the end. I hugged it tightly and teared up. "Thank you so much mom", I said as I got up and hugged her. A few minutes later I put my hero suit on and the scarf. "This looks good on me", I said as I looked in a mirror. "Looks cute", Kaori said as she was standing at the door. I smiled but then felt a sting on my neck. "Thank you for the gift", Kaori said as she held a needle in my neck. I couldn't move nor talk, I was completely paralyzed. I was looking at the door before seeing someone else who looked like Kaori, I was so confused. "RHYS WHATS HAPPENEING?!", Kaori asked while screaming. "Oh so this is your friend huh, didn't know", the stranger said as she backed away and jumped out the window. "Hey are you ok?", Kaori asked. "Yeah I'm fine, but why did she take my blood?", I asked while I held my neck. A few days passed by and I was out walking in the store. "Hide it's the criminal from the power plant!", someone yelled as they pointed at me. I was so confused before seeing the TV. There was someone at the power plant that looked just like me. "Hey stop right there!", A police officer said while going near me. I used black whip and swung out of the store. That cop looked a lot like Kaori's father, and after all that time I finally gained his trust. I went home and looked around. "Hello? Guys are you home?", I asked as I looked around before seeing a note.

Dear Thunderfist,

If you would like to see your friends again, go to the abandoned factory southwest from town. The factory that is on top of the cliff. And come alone.



I ran to the factory as fast as possible and kicked open the doors. I walked further inside before getting tackled to the ground by the FBI. I heard clapping from a distance and saw Shigaraki standing next to Kaori's father. "Good job chief you caught the criminal", Shigaraki said. I looked at Kaori's father, his eyes are a different color than normal. I think he was brainwashed by someone to think I'm a bad person. I was tied to a chair with bricks on the bottom. "Let me go!", I yelled but soon got cut off because they tied my mouth shut. "Rhys!", Kaori yelled from a cage. I was taken to the edge of the cliff and I looked down seeing the ocean. "Goodbye Rhys", Shigaraki said as he kicked me. I was falling and soon was sinking. "Rhys!!", Diana, Lia, Sammy, and Kaori all yelled before trying to breakout. Kaori was crying badly, and then Lia, Diana, and Sammy started to tear up. "At least I lived a good life", I said in my head before passing out. Diana broke the door off of the cage and all of them ran at Shigaraki. "Sleep", a man said and they fell asleep, except Kaori. "DAD WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT TO HIM?!", she yelled. "I'm sorry sweetie", Kaori's father said before shooting a tranquilizer dart at her arm and she passed out. Later that night Kaori was in my room crying and holding my pillow. "I love you Rhys...", Kaori said before falling asleep while crying.

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