Chapter 1| Cavity

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Monday, Karl POV

I would say I have pretty good oral hygiene. I brush my teeth everyday, and I pretty much stay away from candy, juice, and stuff like that. Well, I mean my dads a dentist so I kinda have to. It's been getting harder lately. I find myself unable to stay away from anything sweet. Maybe not food, but there's this boy. I cant get him out of my head, he's been infesting my brain and I can't get him out. All I think about is him all day and all night. He's like a pesky cavity that just sticks around. It's been like that since I've first laid eyes on him.

                                                  Flash back 


First day of highschool //3 years ago// 

"Karl wake up! Big day today!" Mom said opening the curtains.

I groaned, turning over and shielding my eyes with my pillow. 

"Five more minutes."

She tutted, removing the pillow and hitting me in the forehead with it before throwing on the floor.

"No, not five more minutes. Today is your first day of highschool. Now, get up dude and come down for breakfast. I'm making eggs." She said smiling and leaving the room, carrying my bin of laundry out with her.

I sighed and tuned over 'just five more minutes' I told myself. I woke up to someone violently shaking my body. 

"Bro, get your ass up now, moms about to have an aneurysm." 

"What?" I said turning to face my older brother.

"What do you mean 'what'?" He shot, picking up my pillow and hitting me with it. Second time today. I just looked at him cluelessly, he rolled his eyes "You've literally been up here for thirty minutes. I told her you're getting dressed. I totally saved your ass, you owe me." He took a jolly rancher from my desk and walked out.

I practically jumped out of bed and threw on some clothes. A black long-sleeved shirt, a light blue Back To the Future tee, and some baggy jeans. I grabbed my bag and ran to the bathroom. I put a generous amount of mouthwash in my mouth and did a couple of swishes for good measure. I turned to walk out, but before I left I ran my hands through my hair a bit, so I didn't look completely homeless.

"Karl!" Mom yelled from downstairs. "Get your ass down here or I'm renting your bike to Susan for a week!" I shot one last look at myself in the mirror "not too bad" and ran downstairs.

"What have you been doing all that time? Karl, you know I-" but I cut her off before She could finish. "Sorry Mom, I gotta go. Love ya." I say grabbing a piece of toast and running out the door.


On the way to fourth period. School has been good so far I even made a few friends. I stop at my locker to grab my bio textbook. I take the lock in my hand and try spinning my code, 23-27-0. It didn't work? It literally worked earlier, what the hells going on? I'm gonna be late. I shake the lock angrily, getting more and more annoyed with every failed attempt. 

"Hey, dude you need help with that?" Said a voice chuckling from behind me. 

We're they laughing at me?

I turn around, maybe to give them a piece of my my mind, I don't know. There was a boy, I've seen him around town but he looked completely different now. Taller, leaner, for sure more fit, does he play sports now? 


No not hot.


"Um are you good?" He says awkwardly adjusting his white bandanna. "Oh yeah I'm good." I say moving out of the way. "Um, the code is 23-27-0." He nods and twists in the code, and unlocks it with ease. Now that I realize it, he does pretty much everything with ease. He just seems so effortlessly perfect, so sweet. I shake away my thoughts once I realize I was staring. "Uh thanks." I say turning towards my locker so he doesn't see my face growing almost a crimson red. He laughs and pats me on the back, "My names Sapnap, see you around-" he pauses, "Wait what's your name?"

My name. Shit, my name? What's my name?

"Karl, right?" He asked.

'How does he know my name? HE knows my name.'

"Uhuh." I nod trying avoid embarrassing myself even further. He smiles, "Right.. see ya, gotta get to class." 

I stand there, shoving my head in my locker. 'God, that was so embarrassing, I literally couldn't be more stupid. How the fuck can you even forget your name?'  I must've gotten distracted wallowing in my own pathetic-ness because the bell rang I'm still at my locker. 


Flash back over —

"Mr. Jacobs?"

"Huh?" I say looking up, breaking my trance. "Incorrect, Mr. Jacobs can your next day dreaming session not be during my class?" Mr. Wilson says walking towards my desk. "Oh, sorry sir." I mumble trying not to make eye contact with any of my staring classmates. "Speak up Mr. Jacobs, I won't have any whisperers in my classroom." That earned a snicker from my class mates, well except one. "Sorry sir." I say more snappy than usual.

"Watch your tone." He says not breaking eye contact with me.

"Why, I literally just said I'm sorry. What more do you fucking want? Jesus." My hand practically flew to my mouth after I realized what I just said. The whole class was quiet, except Sapnap sitting in the corner, trying his hardest not to laugh his head off. "Is something funny Mr. Halo? Both of you see me after class." He returns to the board, "Now, can anyone answer this?"

After class


The bell finally rung after sitting through forty five  minutes of Mr. Wilson's nonstop blabbing. I tried to sneak out of class to avoid confrontation, but evidently failed when he called me back in along with Sapnap. "Detention for both of you." We tried to protest, but were quickly shut up after he handed us white slips and walked out. Leaving us two in the classroom.

"A fucking Demerit. Can you believe this?" I say unzipping my backpack to get a pencil, so I can sign the slip. "Fucking bullshit man. Well at least  we get some alone time." Sap said, doing the same. I shot him a 'what do you mean by that?' face. He laughed and said he was just kidding. 

Kidding. Of course.


"Okay welcome to detention misfits or whatever. My names Sam, yeah just Sam I don't do that weird last name teacher shit. Uh, I don't really care what you do, just don't interrupt my nap."

... sap app did a thing I don't feel like writing so, contextless time skip.(you"ll see in the next chapter.)

"What a day." I say flopping onto my bed. I couldn't get him out of my head. How he didn't hesitate to defend me, like others would've. He's just so perfect. I shut my eyes thinking about what it would be like if we were together. We could go on dates, trips, get those weird Lego heart necklaces every couple has. But that's never going to happen. He doesn't like me. We're just friends.


I need to get that through my head, but I can't. I literally think about him all the time, my heart flutters when I hear his name. God I'm pathetic, but I can't help it. My feelings for him stick around.

But unlike a cavity, I can't wash him off.

A/N: The writing definitely gets a lot better thanks to the help of Doober and Doll! A special thanks to the both of them for agreeing to co-write on this account and help develop the plot!

-Finn <33

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