crashing on the couch

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Ryder's P.O.V.

God! Im so stupid! Who was she? Why did I just grab her? Oh yea, she looked like Vanessa from the back! No duh...

"Bae!" Vanessa calls from the kitchen.
I closed the door as I entered my house. We just got back, it was nine thirty and I was tired out of my mind.
"Yes" I answer meekly. I'm still praying to god she didn't see what went down in target with that girl I yanked. I'm such a dumbass!
"Have you seen my phone?"she asks suspiciously. I shake my head in reply.
"Oh, found it! It was at the bottom of my purse...weird..." She trails off while heading for the stairs.

Her sweet lemon and cherry smell, that round peachy face, I can't stop thinking about that girl. I snap out of my trance remembering I had a girlfriend and I was happy. But then something inside my chest fell. I couldnt make it out, It just kept falling, harder each time it falls. Then it just stops. What was this feeling? I was in target, with my girl, shopping for a new carpet matt for our bathroom, next thing I know, I thought i saw Vanessa checking out some hats and pulled her to me only to realize, I pulled some strange girl and thought she was mine.

"Ryder!" Vanessa snaps. I wake of from my daze, again, and head upstairs. What's happening to me? Wait, I'm overreacting, I'm such a girl!
"Bae" she calls again. God, sometimes Vanessa can annoy the shit out of me and right now, she's doing a pretty good job.
I'm afraid I have to punish her. I reach for the handle on my bedroom door but it was locked. "Shit, Vanessa, babe? Open the door," I call out.
"Your sleeping on the couch!" She hissed. What the hell did I do this time.
"Oh yea pretty boy, I saw you snatch that girl like she was priceless!" She raged. Damn she was pissed. I couldn't take it anymore.
"Vanessa, please listen to me! It was a mistake!, babe I thought she was you!" I pleaded. I would have given her the puppy eyes and quivering lip but a door was interfering my intention of doing so.
"I'm so glad the door is closed so I don't have to see your desperate face." She laughed like a madman who just got away with a murder.

Ugh...this was gonna be a really long night...

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