Chapter 3: Blast from the Past

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"So sorry we are late, we had a call to attend to" the woman in the black suit called out to the room. Her gaze landed on you behind those glazed sunglasses, and you swore you could have seen a tiny smirk growing on her face. 

"Alright then. Mr. (Y/N), you seem to have quite the record on you..." the old lady said, scrolling through a thick stack of papers. Her eyes scanned them quickly, shouting out key parts to the crowd of police officers and yourself.

"Multiple accounts of thievery, evading police, the list goes on..." she quipped, slowly turning to you. She pulled out a smaller file and started to go through that one too. Her hands had flipped to a certain page, and you could see her eyes widen.

"This can't be right..." she said in disbelief. "It says here that your mother and father had died in an accidental fire. Is that correct?" Oh no. As she spoke those words, the room suddenly felt like a furnace, and it made it hard to breathe. The echoed cries of someone once again filled your head. A voice in the back of your head came to you, calmed you, and told you to respond. This wasn't you talking. Then who was it?

"...yes. That is... correct," you said slowly. "And... let me get this straight. Your father... is Carlos Oliveira?" The room burst into whispers, as you looked around you could see most of the veteran cops talking to others next to them. Carlos... he had barely used that name. Even looking at Aizawa, he seemed a little shaken. The whisper grew louder in the back of your head ushering you forward.

"Yes... that is also correct." More whispers "Being such a big target for himself meant he had to go under a code name: (F/N)(L/N). I do not remember what I was before (Y/N)(L/N)," you told her truthfully.

"If I could interject; Mr. (L/N) has been on the run all the way from Europe. Surely a name isn't enough to clear him from his felonies?" One of the Umbrella trio asked, this one a bald man. He almost sounded a bit pissed off. But they were trying to clear him? How did any of this work? You were so confused.

"You've been chasing me from Europe? Is that where you hail from?" You inquired.

"Yes. We are from the Umbrella Corporation in Europe. No. 6 to be exact." The final Umbrella Corp man said, almost proud of himself. He had short, slicked-back hair. The lady next to him slapped him lightly on the shoulder, her face flipping to a sharp frown.

"Umbrella Corp from Europe... how sad," you blurted. That was an inside thought - you were not supposed to say that out loud. Your mind was betraying you, no longer in control of yourself anymore, the voice in the back had come full swing; it was now that one that was speaking.

"You hunted me down like a wild dog since I was seven. I've been traveling across the whole goddamn world to get away from you fucks, but you never stopped coming. I could have killed every. Last. One of you. And you wouldn't have been able to do a thing about it. I've held back so much, yet you never seem to stop in your reign of terrorizing me. You wanna talk about felonies?!" You yelled across the room. You could feel your face start to bubble and heat up, but you didn't stop it this time.

"You turned me into this thing. This... abomination of the creative human mind. I had a normal goddamn life and you took it all away from me! You wanna talk about FELONIES?!" You screamed, your voice returning to that thundering, monstrous sound. You pointed to your head, which was now back in that disgusting form. All the police had taken out their guns now and were pointing at you. Your face slowly returned to normal as the voice kept speaking for you, now having a grave undertone to it.

"My father worked alongside you. He trusted you." You said, tears threatening to spill from your eyes.

"Your father stole from us and stabbed us in the back!" The bald man shouted, his teeth gritted and fists clenched. "He stole an important piece of property and then fell off the map! We are here to take. That. Back!"

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