Chapter 9: The Beginning of a New Future:

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"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO MY HOUSE!?!" you yelled while waving your arms frantically. "I WAS"T EVEN GONE FOR A FULL DAY AND NOW THIS?!"

Bob laughed and put a hand on your shoulder. The ground looked completely torn up around the house; the poor, poor flowers. The periphery of the house had a 2-foot metal pole at each corner around 10-ish feet from the center. Many people in Umbrella suits hurried around the house with different parts and fancy machinery. And was that a MACHINE GUN?!

"Don't worry bout' it, son!" Bob chuckled. "With the recent villain attack, Umbrella Corp. Europe insisted that you are protected at home. If there is some ungodly way the villains find you and track you home, Umbrella would rather be safe than sorry. I trust ya, but your gonna need to convince the higher-ups that you can handle yourself."

You sighed and put your head in your hands. You shot up suddenly and looked at Bob.


"No, no. Just a couple of cameras on the outside. Plus where those four poles are, anyone crosses those that aren't supposed to are in for a surprise."


"Yes. Thermal sensors. Night vision. Different escape routes. The whole package."

"WHY MUST YOU PAIN ME BOB!?" He only laughed again and beckoned you to follow him into the house. You sat at opposite ends of the dining table. A white folder had been placed at your seat, and Bob looked at you, signaling to open it.

"A food regime? Wait..." you slowly peeked over the folder to see a sheepish Bob. "... are you calling me fat?"

He slapped his knee with a howl, before finally being able to compose himself. "No! Hah! Your not fat, you got one hell of a metabolism. I'm just trying to veer you on the right path so you are healthier. Besides, eating chocolate pancakes with sprinkles every day isn't the healthiest..."

"It's one of the only things I know how to make!" you said, throwing up your hands defeated. Flipping through the pages, your finger stopped at a certain paragraph. You looked once again to Bob, who had a sly grin this time.

"It's about time we put some muscle on you, ma boy!" he yelled triumphantly. "Right now you look like a granola bar with toothpick arms! Think of what you could become!"

"I don't like to work out. Especially not running." you looked down at the floor, not wanting to meet his eyes.

"Don't worry. We'll start you off small, and you can work your way up. Think of me as your new life coach!"

You unglued your eyes from the floor to see Bob in a floppy propeller that had the words: "YOU CAN DO IT!!!" plastered on the front. You couldn't help but chuckle. Bob sat up from his seat and went to pat your shoulder.

"(Y/N)'s battle for the ultimate muscle starts tomorrow after school!" he called out to the rest of the house. And with a dramatic turn, he let himself out.


The black car that had pulled up today was none other than Bob himself. You quickly stepped in, and he sped off toward school.

"Isn't Nezu supposed to be picking me up?" You asked him before he could even make it out of the driveway.

"What? Tired of me already?" he joked, but his face briskly turned serious. "Principal Nezu has the monster of the press to deal with. So for now, I'll be taking you to and fro from school. Speaking of..." he trailed off as the car came to a stop in the same spot as always.

"Good luck today!" he cheered. "Give 'em' hell!" You took a deep breath and hopped out of the car. The singular block walk to school felt horrendous. Once your classmates saw you, they would look away in disgust. They saw. They saw. People would ridicule you for what you truly were. The closest things you had to actual friends would rip themselves away from you. You would be alone again.

A cold hand on your shoulder interrupted him from your thoughts. You turned around to see Todoroki; one of your classmates that truly witnessed what your 'Nemesis' side was. The two of you stared at each other for what seemed an eternity before you both spoke.

"You're just like me".  You both mumbled simultaneously. The scars we share. With that, the two of you walked into class. People gossiped about U.A. being in the spotlight, and how All Might had taken care of the bird-brain creature. Scooting to the back with Todoroki, you made eye contact with Bakugo. He only scoffed at you and went back to yelling at Mineta. Looking at Midoriya, he only looked at you with... was that... awe? Weird... As you took your seat, Ida ran to the front of the classroom to get everyone to their seats. Being as he was the only one now up, he made his way to his seat with a grumble.

"So do you think is going to teach class today?" Mina asked Sui.

"Forget that! Did you see (Y/N) yesterday?" Kirishima turned to the two while pointing at you. "He took that brain creature on and -"

"Morning class." said a muffled Aizawa from the doorway. 

"MR. AIZAWA WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!?" the class erupted.

"You should still be at the hospital you psycho!" you yelled out over the chattering class. 

"My well-being is irrelevant," he grumbled as he limped towards the podium. "What's more important is that your fight isn't over yet."

"The U.A. sports festival is about to start."


After everyone had fizzled down from the sports festival speech, it came time for the lunch rush. You popped in line next to Todoroki. He talked to you about sitting as his table, which you rightfully obliged. If you were to sit with the Bakugo group, Kirishima and Bakugo would eat you alive with questions. Same with the Deku Group. Best to let it rest for now. Questions would come later.

The Todoroki group was much chiller. Koda sat there, so there was at least him to talk to. Back when you were both in line, you could see the cold glare Todoroki was giving Ida and Uraraka when they talked about Deku and All Might. You didn't ask any questions though.

As you sat with the new group, the conversation of course landed on the Sports Festival. Not once did Todoroki bring up your other form or the fight against the Nomu. You gave him a silent thank you with your eyes before digging into your food.

When the end of the school day came, the doors opened to a crowd of students all murmuring among themselves. Confusion spread like a wave among the class until Bakugo stepped forward.

"They're scouting out the competition, idiots," Bakugo announced strangely calm. A boy with messy purple hair made himself known from the crowd and stepped up to Bakugo. He had the same kind of body type as you; lanky, and could use some muscle. He told the class that during the Sports Festival, anyone could take their spot in the class if they didn't try their absolute hardest. He said it was a "declaration of war". 

Once Bakugo said his piece and shoved his way around the crowd. another spiky gray-haired kid this time (which reminded you of Kirishima) made himself known as well. He proclaimed he was from class 1-B and tried to talk some smack. Once you made your way to the door, you made eye contact with the purple-haired kid and stood there. Both your calculated gazes scanned one another. He gave a small smile, before walking away. You did the same, heading out of the school to the waiting black car.

You greeted Bob with a similar smile, and he sped off back home.

"Well, son," he said, a cigar dangling loosely in his mouth. "The Sports Festival starts in two weeks. I'm going to make it a living hell." He puffed out smoke, before squashing the cigar in a container between the seats. He stared you dead in the eyes as you pulled back up to your home.

"Are you ready?"


- Toilet_Watur

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