Chapter 11: The Mind is a Scary Place.

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Midoriya was screwed.

Oh, he was so screwed.

Midnight had announced the point holders, and Midoriya was worth ten million. The air around him turned hostile as everyone stared deep into him. You slowly breathed out a sigh of relief. Maybe it was best you didn't come first...

As Midnight rolled through the rules, you felt a pair of eyes bore into the back of your head. You threw your head back to see that familiar purple hair. Midnight had finally finished; there'd be teams of four, and their points added up. Each team got a headband and tried to steal more from other groups. A somewhat simple concept and quirks were allowed. Knocking people over on purpose would cause a disqualification, which stunk.

As the timer on the board sounded its start, you steadily made your way over to the staring purple guy. People around you were calling out your name, but it fell on deaf ears. Finally getting some breathing room, you stepped forward and offered your hand.

"I'm (Y/N). I don't know what your quirk is, but you seem decently smart." You told him blatantly. "Need me as a front horse?"

"I was actually going to ask you that. Name's Shinso. So you want to team then?" He asked, scratching his chin.

"Sure thi-" Your shoulders sagged heavily before you shot straight back up. Your body felt like concrete, as though you hadn't slept in weeks. Your vision became foggy like ice on a windshield. Behind it, you could see the smug smile painted on his tired face.

What the...

The rest of the cavalry battle went by like a blur. Everything was incoherent. Echoes. Mumbling. Shadowed silhouettes. Everything felt cold. Numb.

The world darkened around you. Something that felt like needles trickled down your back. You hesitantly blinked. The shape of a person formed from the shadows themselves. He had a stocky figure, the familiar black shoes that reminisce of your nightmares. The man had no face, hidden by the shadows swirling around him. Even though you couldn't see it, you could feel the dark figure smile evilly at you.

You tried to scream, but nothing came out. You tried to move your hands to cover your eyes, but they were stuck to your sides. You tried to run, but your legs were glued to the floor. Whatever this thing was, you had to get away from it. Now.

A haunting gasp shot you back into the real world. The crowd's cheers stung your ears, and you looked around quickly. Flashing camera's blinded your eyes before you finally came to it.

"And third place is Testute- wait... what? It's Team Shinsou! When did they come back from the dead?" Yelled Present Mic. There stood  Shinsou, a devilish grin plastered on his face.

"Thanks for all your help." he mused. He tried to walk away, but an iron grip planted itself on his shoulder.

"What. The hell. Did you do to me?" You said slowly, laced with venom and malice. His deadbeat eyes almost look scared for a split second, before he removed your hand and walked away. You gripped your own hands tightly, knuckles turning a ghastly white.

You had passed. But how? And at what cost?


Lunch was held shortly afterward. You spent the time laying under a big cherry blossom with nothing but your thoughts and a bento box. You took the chopsticks and ate the food slowly, your mind wandering back to the shadowy creature.

Just imagining that invisible smile made your hands go cold. A bird on one of the multiple branches thankfully ripped you from your thoughts with its chirping. It was nothing special, but it did put you back to your senses; just in time, and pair of feet were adjacent to your head.

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