II : The Oceans' Calling

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Percy stood in an empty room.  Columns with beautiful engravings stood on either side, seats beautifully designed with colourful sponges, shells and pearls. The ceiling was very high, with mosaic designs reminding him of his own bunk in camp half blood, which he used to stare at whenever sleep would abandon him. With a jolt he realized that he was Underwater, at his father's throne room in Atlantis.

Standing there felt like standing in Olympus itself, for everything was of the same order, except the throne itself. It was a two seater, unlike Zeus's who had put some good distance between himself and his wife. This just showcased how much power and authority Ampharite held not only in Poseidon's heart, but also on the kingdom.

Suddenly an frail old man appeared on the throne. His skin was wrinkled, clinging to his body as a dry cotton shirt would. His hair was long and messy, accenting his look as a mad man. But there was nothing old in the steely gaze in his eyes or the posture he was supposed to sit. Without a doubt, he knew it was his father. 

"My physical appearance replicates the condition of my palace, my people and my kingdom Percy." he remembered his father telling him before the battle above water started. He immediately rushed to one of the windows. Everything was in ruins. The garden of colourful sponges and kelps he had seen not a month ago was razed to rubble. The columns were scattered here and there. It seemed that the throne room was the only room intact in the entire palace. 

Yet,  when he touched the walls, he could feel a familiar magic spread through it, for it was the magic that flowed in him too, and miraculously, the walls started mending itself, the columns straightened, broken walls became whole again, as though he was watching a movie backwards. 

He turned back to see Poseidon to have closed his eyes and to have begun an ancient Greek chanting with concentration.

"Stop doing that, dear one." said a quite voice from the entrance. A neried stood at the entrance of the hall. She had a pale complexion with dark mocha eyes. Her black hair that came below her waist was tied in a loose plait, the shorter strands fanning her face. She wore a plain dark green tunic made of mosses. The only jewellery she had on her was a circlet of pearls and gold and a pearl necklace. 

She was a beautiful woman, no doubt about it, but she looked dead tired with dull eyes and dark circles lining her eyes. The magic flowing through the walls stopped suddenly. Poseidon sighed, and if Percy was seeing correctly, his father looked twice as old as he did a minute ago. 

What news do you have for me,dear one. I'd rather be left alone at the moment. He said gravely. But Ampharite did not stop at the dias where the ministers usually stood to deliver their message. She walked quietly towards her husband climbing the steps to the dais, her lips pursed. Poseidon frowned at this unusual behavior. "What is wrong, Ampharite?" Poseidon asked urgently, fearing the worse, as he tried to stand up. 

Key word 'tried', for when he tried standing up, his legs buckled and would have fallen face first if Ampharite had not been there to steady him. "I can deal with finding more dead mer-people that the living, I can deal with working without a break for a century if needed, but I'm not going to lose my husband just because he just can't let others do his work for once." she said as she force-fed him a few biscuits of ambrosia. "You needed a large habitable space to make a temporary rehabilitation center. I've given you one." he said casually. "Well, I also need you to stay alive for the next few weeks and regain your godly strength, can you do it for me or is it too much to ask of you? " she snapped angrily. He tried placating her by trying to make her sit beside him. "You know that the state of my kingdom, my palace is where my strength lies. I'm just trying to-"

"Then let a few of the soldiers start with the construction!"

"We have been over this, every minute could be a question of life or death for someone out there. I'm not having any constructions done before every rubble is overturned, every life is saved and those who died are not given funerals.

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